Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yet another Tuesday

So today came and it is almost gone. Pretty soon I will be cooking myself dinner, and popping in a movie (at this time of year it is typically a Christmas movie) and relaxing until it is time for bed (or until I pass out on the couch) and then it will be another day. The days are going fast. Work is keeping me very busy, by the time I get home I am exhausted. Everyday it is contracts, speaking agreements, brochures, VIP tickets, exhibitors over and over and over again. But now I feel as if I am fighting for my job, trying to prove I am the right person for it.

So here it is, another night - Tuesday night - Gilmore Girl!! Usually that is a wonderful thing, but we are in repeats, and I am not so fond of repeats. So Christmas movie it is, and dinner. I need to go to the store, get tape and wrap presents - but that can be done tomorrow!

I know this weekend is Christmas, but it doesn't feel like it. My brother seems to be all excited, and this year - I am just not sharing that with him. I don't feel like the grinch, I kinda feel like Cindy Lou Hou in the beginning of the movie. You know, when she sings "Where are you Christmas?" It'll come, it just hasn't yet.

Tonight I might hang out with Mike. He seems to be having trouble with his scrabble game. Last time I kicked his butt, and it looks like I may have to do it again. Sorry Mike - truth hurts - I beat you in bowling and now scrabble...what's next?? Soccer? Basketball? I mean, the list can go on and on!

Well I am off to make dinner. Have a good night!

Oh Willy - where the hell is my broccoli casserole???

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A new cookie to try!


1 cup of dark brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 cup of granulated sugar
4 large eggs

2 cups of dried fruit, such as dried cranberries or raisins
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila(silver or gold, as desired)

Sample the Cuervo to check quality.

Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again.

At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup.... just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy.

Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit, Pick the frigging fruit off floor...Mix on the turner. If the fried fruit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window, FINISH the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

My list!

Dear Santa,

I been thinkings lots and since I only 4 1/2 months old I should get lots of presents! How bad can you be in such a little time?

So i pooped a coupled times outside the litter box, but i said sorry!

Here is my list:
1. a new ball with a bell in it - some meanie stepped on mine and broke it GRANDPA!
2. a choo choo train for the tree, could be fun to chase
3. my front claws back - it is very hard to ruin furniture or climb the curtains with out them
4. good treats - not those gross ones mom bought me before - but i did give the gross ones to my fat uncle hogan, he ate them cos he eat everything
5. more people in the famlily that I can sleep on, laps are more comfortable than the floor!
6. a new tree since I will probably ruin the one we have
7. a morning paper every morning - it is very hard to wait for sundays. There is something about spreading the sunday paper all over the house, it's fun!
8. all the dogs around here to go away, they are scarey!
10. World peace (oh wait, this isn't a beauty pagent - although i should be in one since I am so damn cute!)
11. Oh, and a couch that fits on the window sill. I would like something comfortable to sit on as i try to scare all the people that walk by.

If you bring me all these, I promise I won't eat the milk and cookies, unless you don't want them!

thank you santa,

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Christmas is in the air

Today was a tough day at work. No one had any sort of focus for work, people were just walking around asking others what they were doing. And when you are trying to focus, it just makes it more difficult.

I would like to apologize for any misspelling now. I can't see the screen, for Bart is in my way chasing the curser!

Tonight I think Bart and I will bring out the tree. It might be fun to decorate a bit, and but the Thanksgiving items away (all three of them!). I am still needing to figure out what to get my person in the family and what to get for our work gift exchange. I think I have my person figured out in my family - but for work I am stumped! A lot of people are doing alcohol, but there are those that don't drink and those that don't like hard alcohol (me!) - so I don't want to get that. I may go to the mall during lunch tomorrow and see what I find.

So hints for who has me:
~a calendar for my wall.
~a new movie to have on hand (those are always fun - Blockbuster or Hollywood sell the used ones and you might be able to get Neploean Dynamite at a good price or even Dodge ball) Also I don't have any action movies. NO SCAREY MOVIES - I do like to sleep at night thanks! I would prefer not to have the movie Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - as funny as it might be, I just can't deprive others from having that movie.
~or something you think I might like. Something that reminds me who it came from.
~donate the money to a charity and tell me who it was donated to in a funny card


Okay, I am off to make dinner. Yum!
P.S. Bart can't wait to show everyone his letter to santa!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

strings and whistles

Today was a very productive day. I haven't had much time to check my home email at work lately - which I miss my morning email time. I usually email my uncle, but the past three days when I get in early I have been working, not chat or play time. Kinda stinky if you ask me. Tonight, I brought the work home!! Yay! But that is okay.

Tomorrow Kib is coming over and staying the night. It will be nice to have the company and just sit back, relax and not do anything - but have that company to do that with. Friday, Tim and I are supposed to be hanging out. Not sure what we are doing, but it'll be fun - always is. Hey - ice skating, I don't think I stopped smiling once! Then Sunday (from what I hear) I am chaparoning (spelled wrong i know!) a kids' birthday party. Party starts at three, so I have my morning to work around the house, which is good!

So, we have one more holiday left this year...Christmas. We, my family, are supposed to leave hints as to what we want for Christmas. You see, we draw names each year and we don't know who has each other - and since none of us know what the other wants, we are to drop hints as I mentioned. Since I just bought a couch - I can delete that from my list. So let's see, what suttle hints can I leave??? I would like a new car, I guess that will do. You can decide between a proche or a ferrari - you know me! Decisions are the worst! In all reality, I don't really know what I want, let alone need. So bare with me on the hints!!

As for Bart - he is preparing his list for Santa, I will post it when he is finished!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

They think they are sooooo funny! (this is my family hiding) Posted by Picasa

Shhhh! Bart's sleeeeeeeeeeeping. Posted by Picasa

As Dad would say "Which one's the monkey?" Posted by Picasa


Ever since I found out Rudie passed, I have been in a funk. I was pretty grouchie after Kyle left town, and today - still not there. I don't know - it'll pass - it is just annoying. I don't really want to do anything, so I make myself do it.

Last night I drug mom out with me to go couch shopping. It is nice to have a second opinion on something that people will be sitting on besides yourself. We have gone to a couple places, but last night we went to Value City Furniture. I ended up buying my first couch. It is nice - and not too pricey!! It comes a week from tomorrow, so that will be fun.

Oh, another thing I have done was start to decorate for Christmas. I thought that would put me in a better mood. I made a super cheesey fireplace on my wall and hung Bart and my stockings on it.

Above are some pictures from when Kyle was in town. He had some better pictures - I mainly took ones of Bart. Hey - he was sitting still because of his de-clawing and de-balling - so I had to take advantage of it. He was a good sport. Now, back to kitty. But I do have to say that he isn't nearly as hyper as he was before his little proceedures!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Rudie Wash Posted by Picasa

A Time For Everything

Ecclesiasties 3:2
a time to be born, a time to die...

I come on from work yesterday, met up with my family and I found out that Rudie had passed away. Rudie was with us for 17 wonderful years. We got him at LollyPop Farm in Rochester, NY and he cheerfully came with us where ever we went - Colorado, back to Rochester, Connecticuit, DC, and Maryland. He was happiest when he was with the fam - or outside chacing a mouse! Rudie was the best cat we could has asked for. We will miss him with all of our hearts. So I wanted to share some great memories about Rudie...

When I was little, he was the most patient cat/kitty - I found out he fit perfectly into my dolls clothes, and he would lay there and let me dress him up!! Not many cats will let you make them look like dolls.

When we lived in Colorado, Rudie got into a fight around Christmas time, and another cat bit him near the tip of his tail. The bite went all the way trough the tail, so we had to shave that part - and at the tip of his tail, all that was left was this ball of furr! It made a great look for Christmas pictures.

When we got Hogan in Colorado, Rudie had no trouble making sure Hogan knew he wasn't welcome. After some time (a lot of time) they became best friends and there was no such thing as taking a nap with out the other.

Rudie - we love you!

The picture of Rudie that Dad made me two years ago for Christmas - a picture that will always be hung in my home. Posted by Picasa

This is Rudie receiving his care package when he moved to Connecticuit with Mom and Dad! He loved his treats!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Almost Turkey day!

Ahhh, tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Our office is rather humorous today. All the VP’s are hard at work, then there is everyone else – pretending as if they are working, but they really aren’t. We have a pot luck at 1, and everyone is walking around talking about how hungry they are. I on the other hand and spread papers all around my desk, and keep typing emails – fun emails at that – to make my boss think I am doing a good job. OH WAIT! I did update our conference agenda, and make one phone call!! That counts right? It is very hard to work when your brother is sending you pictures, via text message, of him shoving food in his mouth, and your friend is calling you to talk about appliances. Oh, Kar – I love yah hun – but I really don’t care what kind of dishwasher you have. Hey as long as it works I will be happy for you!

I get to pick up Bart after work today. Yesterday he was neutered and he had his from paws de-clawed. I missed him last night. I get home and there was no one there to greet me. No one to cook with, clean with, and watch Gilmore Girls with. But I made it through, and today my cute little kitty gets to come home!!!

Tonight, Kyle, Mom, and Dad are coming to dinner tonight. It will be nice. I will be making spicy O’nuts (spicy onion rings), bacon wrapped shrimp and scallops, and spicy stromboli. Hopefully all will be good. As for Bart – he gets kitten chow, and lots of lovin!!

Well I am off to test the sloppy joes I made last night for our pot luck – I need to see if it is hot enough. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Best Time of Year - THANKSGIVING

Every year, we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Now when it comes down to it, each person could spend a half hour on their list. And when I read Christine's blog - I had to do the same. Here is my list:

I am thankful for my family, the love, care, and support that they provide on a daily basis is something I will never forget. I love you guys!
I am thankful for my religion. It provides me with a path to follow and is a leaning post when needed.
I am thankful for my friends. Thank you for holding no expectations and always being there. I couldn't ask for better. (those in rochester, thanks for still being there, I love you guys so much)
I am thankful for my freedom.
I am thankful for pictures - they are the best present anyone can give. (yes, even those horrible pictures where your eyes are closed!)
I am thankful for education - for this we would not be capable to doing what we do today.
I am thankful for feelings, it is what makes your days what they are.
I am thankful for Bart - my little terror - how can I not love him!! (and Bart is thankful for he is getting de-balled and de-clawed the day before thanksgiving!!)
I am thankful for the roof over my head - heat, electicity, and water (hot water!) - not everyone has this and that is something to be rememebered.
I am thankful for FOOD! And i am starving!!
I am thankful for my brother - K, I don't know where I would be with out you. Plus, you are a great cook!! Even though we don't live in the same town anymore, I know we live under that same sky, that same sun, and those same stars and that makes it okay.
I am thankful for technology - and maybe someday I will get to go to space and view the lovely planet we live on. Because of technology, we are able to communicate as we do today.
I am thankful for laughter - now who doesn't enjoy a good laugh.
I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. They are the two people that brought me up, allowing me to follow my dreams, let me choose the path I felt was right. And because of them, I have a wonderful brother, I am living a life that I love, I have a place to live, a great job, and a cute little kitty.
Last - I am thankful for memories. Holidays are the times where you reflect. You look back over the years of all the good times you had. It is a time when you also refelct on those that have past, and you reminisce on all great times you had.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


My dad brought me up to be honest, and the more I hear people lie the more it pisses me off. Now I know some people exaggerate about things and sometimes it is the small crap, but when you lie to someone or you are exaggerating something that is important or can really hurt another person or your company – then I think it is completely inappropriate and inexcusable. Today, it has been a day of lies. I go to read this article, and it says our company has 70 people in the corporate office – NO we have 35, but we do the work of 70. Then I over hear a woman I work with get lied to, right to her face, and I can tell she is seeing right through the lies. HELLO! If you don’t have good news, just say – don’t try to BS your way around it. I would rather get the flat out truth then someone try to lie to make me feel better. I am sooo sick of it. If someone calls me and I am not ready for the conversation, I don’t say I am on my way into a meeting, I ask if I can call them back in such and such a time when I am prepared to give them the answers they are looking for. I don’t BS people and I don’t want them to BS me. I, flat out, don’t like liars – and that is what I have been working with today. If you don’t want me to trust you – lie to me – then I will never trust you, and I will have to verify everything you tell me. Plus, you will never be a friend – always an acquaintance.

One more thing - if mike calls me and hangs up one more time, I am driving to his work and we will have a talk – I AM SICK OF IT – call me if you want to say hi, not to hang up.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Wedding Season is Over!!

The past 5 days have been great! Thursday morning I was pretty stressed. I wanted everything to be perfect for my dear friend's wedding and I felt like I was missing something. I was at work, my computer wasn't working and I get a text message on my phone. I check it, and it is Tim - he offered to make me dinner AND bring it to me! How can I pass that up! I get out of work, and Tim had a meal ready for me with a glass of wine and a movie! It was a very relaxing night leading into my hectic weekend. So I thank Tim for dinner and a relaxing night that I really needed!

Friday morning I was up at 3:30 to get ready for the weekend and head off to the airport! My flight was at 6 something so I could be in Rochester by 9. Friday went fast, I through a laid back gathering for all the girls at my aunts house, then we all got ready and headed off to the rehersal dinner. After dinner we went to the comedy club. We were all a little too tired for that, but it was fun.

Saturday, I was up early to alter my dress and have tea with Grandma. After that, I met up with Kyle and Willy - and we ate breakfast/lunch at Bruegger's and got a cell phone for Kyle then grabbed a beer at Thirsties! One of the best parts of the weekend if you ask me! After that I was off to Bridal bootcamp and rehersal, and the beginning of pictures! That was easy and went fast. That night we ate dinner at McGreggor's and has Girl's Night Out at the Roost! Line Dancing was a blast - and I think all the girls had a great time! We were all in bed by midnight - since it was up at 5:45 to get beautiful!!

Sunday the bridal party was at Shadow Lake by 7am to start getting our hair done. 1pm we start pictures. It was nice to have the pictures before the wedding - made for an easier afternoon!! The wedding was short and sweet. There was an elderly lady making not so nice comments of each girl walking down the isle - I don't think she realized how loud she was! Apparently some of us weren't so pretty or a little on the heavier side! After the wedding, we had cocktails, which lead right into the reception. Jeremy (bestman) and I gave our speeches and we had a great night. By the end of the reception hair was down and the dresses were off, we were dancing in the pj's that we wore that morning while we were getting ready!

Monday morning I was up way before the sun to catch my flight home! The weekend went fast, and it was a great way to end my wedding season! Seven weddings, and now there are none! Congradulations to all my friends and family that got married this year!

Now - prep for Thanksgiving!!! MY BROTHER IS COMING!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Aerosmith - what?

This morning there was this little blow out at work. My boss saw what was going, but didn't really know what was going on. He asked me, but if I told him - it would have made it ten times worse. When it came to lunch time - I had to get out. I was up near our receptionist - and she was like: "kel have you read your emial?" and i replied "no, not in the past hour, why?" She told me to check it before I left. Come to find out, our CEO has box seat for the Aerosmith concert tomorrow night, and the first 6 people to respond back got to go. So, of course, I replied back! Come to find out - I AM IN!!!! Tomorrow night, I will be in the corporate box at the aerosmith concert!! Oh, and Barb got in as well!!! We are a weeee bit excited. So I sent out an email this before I left stating the dress code: platform boots, fishnets, fake leather minis, tub tops, purple and blue eyeshadow, and bright red lipstick. Hey, if we are going, we might as well class up the joint! Six girls at an Aerosmith concert - the guys just weren't fast enought to reply! Sux to be them!

Hjuuuhgy (bart says hi!)

Well I am off to make dinner!

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

TV - got me thinking...

Okay, I am not sure how much of the sentimental girl I am – but I like the happy ending. I like the girl to get the guy, when you think they are right – but when the guy is a creap, I defiantly don’t want the girl to get the guy. So I am watching television last night – waiting for the trick-or-treaters, and it just got me thinking. I see this girl who likes a guy on this show – but I don’t know if they should date. And then, she is putting herself out there – and how do you know if he likes her back. Then there is this other girl who still likes the guy that she is no longer dating. Well at the end of the show, you find out the ex may not want to lose her while talking to the girls sister, and the sister said to the guy – leave her alone until you know. Which is right – you don’t want to get the girl’s hopes up. Well all this got me thinking – I hate this part of life. I hate the dating scene. You never know if something is right. You might get along perfectly – and then the next minute it is over, and you are wondering why? Am I not smart enough, pretty enough? Did I not like the right things? All these things go through your mind – and life just sucks. I have had one bad break-up, and I know my close friends hated him, but that crushed me, and for the longest time I was wondering if we would ever get back together. Later I realized, with the help of my friends – we were defiantly not right for one another. But it still sucked. Any who – I hate dating. I hate putting your heart out there to get hurt. I hate thinking that you may have found some really great person, then realize what a jerk that person can be. Then I think of some guys I blew off because it just wasn’t the right time for me…and they are guys I still see and they are so genuine and caring that I wonder why I never gave them a chance. I guess that is life. If one of those guys were to ask me out – I would most likely still say no. Why is that?

You never know what life brings – maybe some day I will meet that guy that will make me smile. Yes, there will be hard days, and things won’t always be perfect – what relationship is? As long as you stick together, and work it out – and keep making eachother smile and laugh – and be honest, that is what counts, besides the love. There is so much more than love.

Okay enough mushy yuck yuck – I am off to go home and terrorize my kitty and give the sucker a bath!!! Plus I need to call a friend and give him hell for the Eagles/Bronco’s game!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Two Down - Many To Go!

I have worked two shows now - and this last show was a little more of a learning curve. I have learned more of "what not to do" and some things we might want to try for our other shows. One thing is the receptions - those were a hit. At those, I have learned that when the sponsors of the reception are from a different country, and drinking is the thing to do - "no thank you" is an insult. When they give you a drink, you drink and act like you can't wait for the next. I am just lucky that I had a friend there I could go up to and politely say "I'm a goner" and they will make sure I get back okay. I have also learned to write down your hotel room number somewhere, so when it comes time to go night night, you know where to go. I should be sending Tony a thank you note for taking good care of me. He was my saving grace. All in all everything went well, but I am exhausted!

Now I have a friend here for the night from NC. Her and her boyfriend. I like her boyfriend - very nice guy. He fits right in and is very polite! So I am off to be a good host - and not fall asleep!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Dear Willie

Apparently this is the only way to for you to read this. If you are going to post, you have to know that your friend will want to respond. Notice how I said friends – that means we care, we love you. We have been apart of each others lives now for at least 5 years, some longer than others. That means no second guessing if we like you. Willie, if we take the time to talk to you, get to know you, hang out with you – that means you are liked. And what the hell do you care anyway? Do you like yourself? That is where you need to start.

Yes, your grandfather was a significant person in your life, and when he passed, it was an extremely difficult time for you. But you know what, he is still alive in your heart, and he always will be. You have all these reminders of him everywhere you go. Use that to your expense. Instead of wallowing, and missing him tremendously, continue to make him proud. He is still watching you, you just can’t see him. Your grandfather wants to see you use your talents to the fullest, not watch you sit on your loral’s and complain about it. Willie – get up, get out there and show yourself what you got, because Willie, you have a lot to give. (You don’t have to show us, we know, we are just waiting for you to figure it out!) Now it is up to you to prove it to yourself to do it.

And Willie, one more thing. The answer isn’t in drugs and alcohol or smoking for that matter, it is in you. And if you need a shoulder to lean on, man you have plenty of those! Don’t doubt that. You have a roommate who will be there to listen. Now he might be strong with advice, but listen – he is a pretty smart guy and it may help. You have Sean and Christine – both very smart people who care and will also give you good advice. And you know you will always have me. If you need another night, staying up chatting all night – count me in. Those are the best times – when friends are there for one another.

Friday, October 21, 2005



I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! I wish I was there to celebrate with you!

Okay, so I love my job, we all know that, I have said it about 10,000 times. And I do, I love my job. I enjoy the people I have met and the whole shebang. But as you can probably see coming – today has sucked. My day was going well, it is Friday – can’t get off to a better start to a day of work! Seriously, how can you not smile on a Friday? Well the day got worse and worse and worse. I have spent most of my day helping a very nice co-worker with something she doesn’t know how to do. And instead of taking the time, that we both don’t have, to show her how to do it, I did it for her. And I will show her how to do it when we have the time to spend on it. Now this other co-worker of mine, lets call him slacker, talks on his cell phone all day with his wife, family members, and friends. He is supposed to be our top sales person in our division, but you wouldn’t think so if you saw his work habits. Now he and I have our tiffs, and we can really work extremely well together. Well today, he has really done it. He has made me madder than ever before. I can almost say that our trust is gone.

So Slacker went to my boss and told him that he didn’t have time to do his own admin work. Now we all do our own admin work – that is part of the job. So my boss calls our division into a meeting to discuss Slacker, and how he doesn’t have time for this and we need to work together. Well the other person on our team has a show in three weeks – so she doesn’t have the time. Well Slacker got it all pinned down on me. So maybe a half hour after the meeting – does he not call me and ask me to update the verbage on his power point presentation and tell me he wants it in an hour. So I told him to do it himself!!!! My boss and I will be having a conversation. I do not have the time to do his “grunt” work just because he doesn’t want to. I will be a team player – but not when you go behind my back and get try to get me stuck with all your crap. I have my own crap to do!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Okay, I need some help. Don't worry - not bad.
So my phone rang tonight, and I go to see who it is...it's Tim. Tim is a guy I went to college with, barely knew him in college - we just rememebered eachother, and I worked with him at Wegmans. So I see his name on the ID, and I answer. Now I haven't talked to tim in a couple months. When mike and I broke up, he was just starting to date someone - needless to say, we haven't talked since. Anywho, we are talking and he was saying it has been a while. Now when I first started my "new" job, he came over and I cooked him dinner because he was helping me out with the DVD project I had. (yes this ties in) So Tim was telling me it was so nice of me to make him dinner, and that he would like to hang out again. So he asked what I was doing this weekend, and just so happens, I am doing nothing. Somehow, we are going to dinner Saturday night before we go out with a bunch of Wegmans people. Now I am a bit confused. Now besides the fact that I don't have the money to go out in DC, I am confused as to why we are going to dinner and why he brought up me making him dinner while asking me to join in for the night. Plus he told me, I always look good when we go out. I am all over the place, but this call was random, and now saturday is random, and I am lost. someone help!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

It is 5:30 yet???

I have been sitting here, staring at my computer all day. I don’t think I can do it any more. My eyes are so tired. I am supposed to get 50 formal letters of invitation out today. It is now about 4:00 and I have gotten 10 out. They take a little longer than you would think. Plus this morning I got stuck doing a bunch of other things. Tomorrow should go better. Someone, just please remind me to wear my glasses!

Besides work, things are going well. Bart is doing well. He has his own towel in the bathroom – he tends to get in the shower, then at night it is from a squirt gun! He is getting bigger, but he is still pretty cute.

This past weekend, I went to an UVa game in Charlottesville. That was fun. It wasn’t a Purdue game – but it was still fun. We did a little tailgating – which is always a blast. Had a couple cheesy burgers, a braut and a few beers. The weather was beautiful – perfect day for a ball game. UVa won – it came close in the end, but they pulled it off.

This weekend, relax with Bart. I have three more weekends home before I have to truck it back to good ol’ Rochester, and I am welcoming the break. I love being back there, but it is becoming a bit much. This next trip – I am not sure what to expect. It is the wedding I am maid of honor in, and there are many, many, many planned events. The closer we get to the day, the more planned events there are. I am beginning to think I won’t see anyone but the people are will be in or at the wedding. So I am considering getting a date. Yes, me take someone to the wedding. A couple weekends ago I went solo to mike’s wedding, and I hated it. It was the worst. I am trying to find Blakeslee’s number – I have seen him a couple times back home, but we keep forgetting to exchange numbers. We talk about doing it, but then things happen, and we forget. So I feel like a stalker trying to hunt him down!

Okay, enough ranting for me. Back to work. It has been whole five minute break!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

More Bart stories...

Two nights ago I am home, enjoying my time, playing with Bart. Then I had to pee - I know that is the last thing you want to hear - you'll deal. Anywho, so I had to pee. So Bart follows me in, I pee and flush. Bart was interested in the flush - he actually didn't run away this time. He slowly crawled up and was walking in circles around the toilet seat just watching. I knew right then I needed my camera - it was inevitable what was going to happen, and I had to catch it on camera. Well, after a few times circling the toilet seat, he slipped and in he went!! It was great, I had a towel ready and dried him off. Needless to say he was a bit scared, but boy did I laugh. Man, the small things just kill me!!

Every morning, Bart sits on the toilet (I keep the seat closed) while I do my make-up, and he just watches. He stays by my side. After work, I come home, and have to pee. (I know you are enjoying my pee stories!) Bart is always excited to see me every night! So I go straight to the bathroom and put the toilet seat up. Bart comes running, full speed into the bathroom and jumps up and right into the toilet!!! I was crying I was laughing so hard. He plopped right in and didn't even see it coming. Now he is a bit more careful before he jumps up on the toilet seat!

Well I am off to have beer with the girls from work!

Have a good weekend all!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Playing with the window shade strings! He is amused by pens and string! Posted by Picasa

Bart sleeping in dad's tool box! Posted by Picasa

Dad was babysitting Bart while mom and I went to Target. Bart was sleeping under his workbench. Posted by Picasa

This is Bart after Dad got him out of the vent. Posted by Picasa

Sleeping on my lap. (the camera woke him up) Posted by Picasa


Well, there has been a lot going on. First, Bart is feeling much better. I took him to the vet on Friday, and he had to go on a couple antibiotics to help his little kitty cold. Man does he hate taking his meds! After the vet, I had to pack Bart and my bags - I headed to Rochester and Bart to grandma and grandpa's for the weekend. Grandpa gets really good pics of Bart - those are his above. Needless to say, we are both happy to be home!

I was in Rochester for Mike and Kellie's wedding. It was a nice wedding, and Mike looked nice dressed as a penguin!! Although he still owes me a penguin dance. (Mary Poppin's) Now that Mike is married, things will change, and we both know it. I think it will help that I have changed jobs. I don't think I would have handled the changes well if we still worked together.

Work - work is going well. In two weeks I help out in a show, which will be fun. Derek and I are the two that get to kick back and have fun. Last show was my show, and I couldn't have the fun everyone else was having. This time - oh yea baby! I am in it to work and have fun. Derek is a good time - and since he lives in Baltimore he will know all the good places to eat and grab a beer! Other than that, work is work. Typical stuff, different day. Tonight I need to think about what I am going to say to my admin tomorrow. We are at her 45 day mark and at 90 we decide if we keep her or try again. So tomorrow is a chit-chat point. Fun times!!!

So, it is time to decorate for fall. I have been cleaning - well sean style cleaning. Picking up hear and there, and then well be the big clean job. But I was to get my fall stuff out. It isn't much, but it will be nice to have it out. I just can't wait to decorate for Christmas, jet my monkey stocking out, and now I need to get one for Bart! I love the holidays - even though they aren't like they used to be, I still love them. Although Kyle's face when he saw me on Christmas morning was priceless! This year, I am just waiting to hear what holiday I am hosting. No matter which one, it will be fun!

Okay, off to play with Bart.

Thursday, October 6, 2005


Today I am just annoyed. Not sure at what - but everything is really annoying me. It is making it difficult, and I can't seem to snap out of it. I just want to go home and play with Bart. But I have to go home and pack, I don't want to go home and pack - I don't want to do anything! I am in need of a friend fix, and I don't know if this weekend will be the best weekend. Bla, who cares, I will go and return and go back to work. It is just getting old.


I was on the phone last night until about 1am last night. The night before it was 12:30. And I love my friends dearly, but I am really starting to hate the phone. But I can't not be there when they need a friend to talk to. So CP is shutting its doors with in the next year. Everyone seems to be in culture shock. Yes, they all have to find new jobs, but right now they are more in the phase "I can't believe it is actually happening." Yesterday I read a lot of the articles in the democrat and chronicle - I really shouldn't have. Some of the comments really make me made, but that goes back to CP being where you are treated like family. It is good to hear how much employees will miss the place, and how much they have enjoyed there time there! When I was there, I know we would all say that it sucks, and we hated what we did, but we all knew we loved it - or we would have left.

One more day until I truck it back to NY. I am really not looking forward to this trip like I was before. The only reason I am still going is because Mike really wants me there, so there I will be. Hopefully I will see Sean, Christine, Willie, and my brother. That will make the trip more worth while.

Well I best go get ready for work - I am being lazy, couldn't sleep - so that will make work even more difficult.

sorry - not in the best mood today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

News, news, and more news!

Today was another day, work was the same - nothing too exciting, but 5:30 hit and I was out the door. I took Bart to the vet today, got a clean bill of health, can't beat that!! However, on the way home from work, I got some unexpected news, Chase-Pitkin is closing it's doors. Now to those that don't know Chase-Pitkin (CP), that is the place I worked for 7 years. That is my "home" where I met all these amazing friends which are like family. Just think, I started to work there because my brother was there! This was something we all knew was coming, but I expected CP to last for another 5 years, not now. My heart goes out to all my friends that are still employeed by CP, they have some big changes headed there way. I know CP will offer them jobs at Wegmans, but take it from someone who knows - Wegmans is no comparison to CP. CP had the family sense to it, Wegmans lacked that family sense. CP is tools and home projects, Wegmans is food. What, are they going to ask the former lumber manager or plumbing manager if they want to work in deli?! I mean seriously, how does that compare? They have a love to tools, not meat! Anywho, that was that news. I have gotten over the shock, but the saddness is still there. Kinda odd - but CP was my Cheers! Everyone knew everyone, and I can still go back and walk in to see smiles of friends. Anywho, moving on...

I receive another call today - Josh. Josh was the bestman in my friend Renae's wedding, very funny, nice guy. Well I was very excited hear that he will be living here for 5 months! Then he asked where I live in the DC area - so I said on the Maryland side, not thinking he knew many towns. Well he went on to inform me that he will be living in Bethesda! YAY! I have a new friend living down the street from me soon! Five months is a long time, and that will give me time to start meeting new people, and he is coming at the perfect time. All the weddings will be over, and things will be settling down. Well that is all my news for today - I have one more CP call to return, then I am off to bed.

I have to say Bart is turning out to be the lucky one - he is sleeping through all the calls. There are a couple calls I just can't return yet - I just don't know what to say to some of my friends. I am just thankful I am not there and having to start over.

Sunday, October 2, 2005

This is Bart, my new little kitty! Posted by Picasa


Well now you have seen my new kitty. He and I seem to be getting along pretty well. Bart's first night here. Friday night, he slept in the kitchen and cried the whole night. On Saturday I had to be up early for the Burtonsville parade. I was there to support Habitat for Humanity. It was a great morning, and the parade went extremely well! That afternoon, I got home and took a nap with bart, but first we played a bit. I let him run all over our place so he could get to know it a bit. I am finding he likes blankets and pillows, he doesn't really care for his toys right now. After our nap, I decided to take him over to my parents house, I want Bart to adapt to where ever he is, that way we can go everywhere together. He liked playing in their kitchen, he likes to be where the people are, even though he hides from us the whole time. After a few minutes he decided it was time to see some other rooms...so I followed him to the living room. He seemed to like it behind the couch - and he was behind there for a bit, so I looked under the couch to check on him and as I do that I see his little butt go down the vent. We forgot that one vent cover was missing, and Bart found it! We spent a couple hours trying to get him out. After some time, I put tuna on my hand hoping I could grab his little body and pull him out. Well I was able to grab his little body - but there was no way I could pull him out. The vent went down about a six-eight inches and curved to go under the floor - needless to say, getting him out wasn't going to be easy. So my dad cut a hold in the vent a little farther down - trying not to scare him too much - but that didn't work. So he had to go closer to where Bart was, cut a hole in the ceiling of his workroom, find the vent, and cut a hole right near where Bart was laying. (Too small in there for him to sit/stand.) Eventually dad got Bart out. The poor thing was covered in soot and crying. So I dried his eyes, and wrapped him in a blanket, brought him home and he slept with me the whole night. It was a scarey night, but in the end, dad (to Bart- grandpa) saved my new little kitty. You can say, we all slept well after that!

Right now Bart is in my bed under all the covers happy as can be!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Motivation - Yea, not so much!

Staying motivated this week has been extremely difficult. I am not sure why, but I am still coming down from the past long, stressful weeks. I have things to do, and I am doing them, but I feel like I am not pounding them out like I could Maybe it is because I have so many hours and I don’t need to pound them out. I have all day, and if I get them all done – then what? I have already organized half of my inbox for emails. I already had things color coded, but now I have subfolders inside my folders. This way, it makes it much easier to locate an email if I need to do so.

OH! My big news for the week…and it makes me upset. I come to work on Monday to find that someone took my pen. I had Friday off, so have a good feeling who took it. But that was my pen. It was one I brought in from home because the pens her suck and don’t write. But why would someone take my good pen and not return it. If I find that pen on someone’s desk, I will be mad! I know it is just a pen, but it was my favorite pen. We had a good thing going. Now my pen goes home with me everyday, and that is just the way it will have to be I guess.

So I chose a name for my kitty. Now I just need to make sure when I get it, it is a boy. This name defiantly wouldn’t work for a girl. But I am excited! All I need to do now is get all the doll clothes I had when I was younger!! A kitty in a dress is the funniest thing. Hey dad – I guess some things will never change!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Stress Free!

Well I have been catching up on my sleep lately, and boy does it feel good. It was nice to have my first show go extremely well, then it was off to Rochester for a family wedding. Those are always fun. My cousin got married to a girl he stood me up for. He had called me a couple years ago and asked if I wanted to me him and some of his hockey friends out at a bar – now any girl in their right mind wouldn’t turn that down. So off I went to meet up with my nice cousin and his friends. We were supposed to meet at 10, around 11:30 still no sign of my cousin, so I headed to a different bar to meet up with some co-workers, and at midnight my dearest cousin called asking where I was. I informed him what bar I was at and he met up with me, come to find out he stood me up for a girl. So I asked the important questions: “Did you get her number?” and he did, so he was off the hook. And now those two love birds are married. It was a beautiful wedding and the reception was full of dancing and laughter.

So now that I am home, I am enjoying my bed. We are getting along very well. My bed will call my name, and of course, I will be there. It would be rude of me to ignore it, right? But then there is Mr. Alarm. We seem to be having issues again. Mr. Alarm says it is time to get up at 6:30 or 7, I say NO. For some reason, I have been getting into hitting the snooze button. I never did that, but the last 3-4 months, the snooze button and I have become friends and have come to realize it doesn’t do you much good. You fall back to sleep, all happy and warm underneath the covers and ten minutes later you have to peal yourself off the ceiling when the alarm goes off again. Now what fun is that? Okay, so there are days I would love to live in the dream world and pretend that I don’t have to get out of bed, but reality kicks in and so does the grumpiness. Although, I am glad I am not living with Kyle and Willie – they are two peas in a pod. Their alarms can go off for ten minutes before they hear them. How do you ignore that annoying buzzing sound? Well, I am off to think more about how to get back at Mr. Alarm – there has to be a way, and I will find it!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Ah, I am home - well I am really at work, but I am heading home shortly. I was great to be back in my own bed with no wake up calls set for 4:00am. Every night when I had to make that call, I just felt depressed, 4am and at the time I placed the call it was usually midnight. There was only one night I was in bed before midnight - but when you away on work - work includes dinner and drinks, or for us, drinks, dinner, and more drinks!

The show in NYC was my first show. All the stress I had going into this show was worth it, and I was fully prepared. From what I was told, this was the smoothest Maritime show my company has ever had. My boss stayed calm the whole time, and during the prep days, I was told I looked very calm - little did they know I was freaking out on the inside! But all in all, I loved it. I left to go to NYC with a sore throat and as each day went by I felt worse and worse - but I made it though with no one really knowing how bad I felt. Although I must say it is extremely difficult to stay out socializing until midnight and wake up at 4 or 4:30 the next morning to keep going when all you want is your bed. This is one of those jobs, it doesn't matter how bad your feel or how bad you hurt - you have to look your best, smile and keep on trucking, and oddly enough I like that.

On this trip, at night I would have to say I ate like a King. Man, the food was good and the cost of the dinner was never an issue. Our company covered all of our expenses, and we took it to full advantage. Saturday night, it was just me and the operations manager there to GET wine and dined by some people we work with. We went to Little Italy and ate at La Mesa which was family style eating. Man, this guy tony we were with, he wouldn't let you sit at the table unless there was wine in your glass. Well I caught on MUCH quicker than my dear friend Bernadete. I drank that wine sooooo slowly that I made the water my best friend. Everyone was toasted by me. But none the less, I ate lots and had a blast. The second night, it was five of us from my company that went to a steak house for dinner. I got wonderful french onion soup and for dinner sauted mushrooms to go along with my blue cheese steak madallions! Yea, it is safe to say I was happy. The first night of our show, my boss took about 15 of us to dinner. Well, I have never had lobster before, and there was surf-n-turf for two, so I got that with a friend. VERY GOOD! But steak wise, we all agreed the steak house we had gone to a couple night prior was better. Even at the airport last night, we had found a great pizza restaurant - so no night went with out great food!

All in all, we all worked together extremely well and it was a great, well run show!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Can't Wait

Part of me can't wait for this show to be over. I am tired of my phone ringing every time I hang up, and when I am on the phone, hearing the pages informing me what lines my calls are being parked on. Half the time, the callers are nice and pleasant - but then there are your rude ones. This morning I was a crankie crankster, and that didn't help. If someone was snapping at me, I wanted to snap back - but of course you have to be nice and tell them, hopefully, what they want to hear. I love the people that call me to make a hotel reservation - "do I look like a hotel to you?" is all I want to say, but I wish them luck with finding one this late in the game. All in all, work is going well. I am doing good with staying on top of things. I am just stressed. My admin sprained her ankle pretty good and can't stand. I am just hoping she went to the doctor after work, I can't have her broken next week, nor do I want her broken (and I mean that in the nice way). Since this is my frist show with EJK, I want my boss to think I am on top of things, I want him to think I can handle it. Yes, everyday he throws more pointless crap my way, and I am getting to the point where I have to tell him what I can do and can't, usually I just say okay. He seems a little taken back when I say it won't be done before the show. (He is having me do stuff for a show that is in Novemeber of next year - yeah, that can wait!)

Okay, well I am off to clear my head and maybe read. Yes - I said read. Now this might be a picture book, but that still counts!

CHRISTINE & SEAN - FOUR DAYS UNTIL YOUR BIG DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not that i'm counting!)

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Okay - If you wanted to read a happy blog, don't read mine.

So things are going well, don't get me wrong. But I am tired. I have the largest show that we put on, and this show is my first show and I leave in a week. I am beyond tired, I am stressed, and I have no releaver. I go to work, and I work. Then I come home to eat and work or think about it. I just really wish my friend mike and I had day off together so we could watch stupid movies and have a beer. Or I wish we could have a beer after work like we used to. But between his work, my work, and him getting ready for his wedding, we will be lucky if we get to see each other once before his wedding. There is always exercise though, right. But when you run, or blade - you think. Usually when I blade for a long period of time it is when I need time to think things though. But I don't want to think. I am tired of thinking. I am tired of waking up at two in the morning and thinking about what needs to be done before I leave for the show. Well in a little less than two weeks I will be able to sleep and be stress free.

Okay, off to work on work. Luckely today, I am working from home.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

"Cheers" - The Bridal Party having mamosa's just before we had to get our dresses on: Lisa (Maid of Honor), Renae (Bride), me, Emmy, and Sonia. Posted by Picasa

Emmy, me and Sonia - YAY LOVE! Posted by Picasa

The Wedding

Well, thanks to all who kept their fingers crossed! The wedding was beautiful. Now Emmy, Sones and I didn't talk to the maid of honor at all that day - to us, she didn't exist. But the day turned out very nice. Emmy, Sones, Renae (the bride) and I had fun. Spent most of the day picking on Renae for her farting - no matter how old you are, that always remains funny. The day went fast, and sooner than you thought, we were all in the limo heading to the wedding. I couldn't beleive how nervous we all were, and all sones, emmy and I had to do was walk down the isle. So one by one, we climbed out of the limo to smile and walk (not run). The vowes were beautiful, but what got everyone was a poem titled "Hands" - I highly recommend it for any wedding.

Reception was nice. We did the intros and stuffed our faces with food! Renae's dad, Mr. Cole, wanted pics with the Emmy, Sones, and I - he enjoyed us in High School. We were always at his apt for lunch. Then he spent his time trying to find me a guy. It was hysterical, he would introduce me to people and then share - during the intro- whether or not they were single. It would crack me up. I think he buttered up the bestman, Josh, enough to dance with me for every slow song after I made Mr. Cole dance with me. Renae had a collage of pictures, which I would have to say were rather embarrassing. But is was fun to reminice. As for the dancing. For most of the night it was just Emmy and I out there, the amazing dancers that we are, and after a while Sones was out there every song as well. Josh, and some guy named Brad would come out and show off for everyone about every two songs. During the band's last set, the wedding party plus the parents were out there. So all in all, it was a great day, and now our little Renae is married. Next will be Sones. As for Emmy and I, we are hopeless! Sorry em - but it is true.

Elevator Boy

Okay, Today may be a long day - but I just had to go to the lobby of our building and on the way back up to the office there was a real cute guy in the elevator. And he was real nice too! Not a back little break.

Okay - back to work I go. I will post pics later! (not of the boy - but of the wedding)

Sunday, September 4, 2005


You would think that four girls would be able to get along for two days - right. It isn't even two full days, it was more like one and a half. Yesterday was the rehersal for the frist wedding I am in. This wedding, a girl I was close friends in High School is the bride, and the other three of us (there were four of us that were close) are bridesmaids. Then there is a girl that we barely knew as her maid of honor. Yea, the four of us are getting along GREAT! Which is rare, because after High School, we definatly have our moments.

Any who this maid of honor, we call her bitch. Now I know that is mean, but I a sorry, it is fitting. At the rehersal yeasterday, the wedding arty was at a table (we most of us) and the groom and bestman were talking to emmy and I, lisa was there, but she was keeping her distance. The bestman asking where is a good, laidback plae to go. So Emmy and I thouh, why do we start at the roost - quiet, pool, darts, lots of tables to talk, and dancing for those that like it. The bestman, since he was from Ohio asked if I would pick him up - Emmy and I were together, so we didn't see a problem with it. We thought we were doing something nice - and everytime we asked the Bride what she wanted to do, she didn't care. When we mentioned starting at the roost - she was game. So emmy and I go to Victor, pick up the groom, bestman, a groomsman and his fiance and head to the Roost.

Anywho, for some reason this made he "bitch" (maid of honor) upset and about 45min into our night, she went off on emmy telling her they her and the bride didn't want her there. DRAMA. So emmy gets up to leave, about to ball - I walk over and say "where are we going next?" Emmy mumbles something about with the bitch said, and I nicely informed the guys that emmy and I are leaving - the bride is shocked and runs after emmy and I go up to the bitch and say "BE NICE!"

Any way - it took an hour to calm emmy down. So we left - and I spent an hour talking to the bestman - who was tryign to help. But we just supervised, and butted in when needed. Anywho. Good thing I hada key to my brothers apt - because I need a place to go. Well off I go shower to go meet up with the grils.

Cross your fingers for a drama free day!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I love this song - although it doesn't seem to be optimistic, I think it is!

I Hate Everything

He was sittin’ there beside me throwin’ doubles down
When he ordered up his third one, he looked around
Then he looked at me, and said, “I do believe
I’ll have one more.”
He said, “I hate this bar, and I hate to drink
But on second thought tonight I think I hate everything.”

Then he opened up his billfold and threw a twenty down
And a faded photograph fell out and hit the ground
And I picked it up, he said, “Thank you, bud.”
I put it in his hand
He said, “I probably ought to throw this one away
‘Cause she’s the reason I feel this way
Why I hate everything.”

Why I hate my job, and I hate my life
And if it weren’t for my two kids, I’d hate my ex-wife
I know I should move on and try to start again
But I just can’t get over her leaving me for him
Then he shook his head and looked down at his ring
And said, “I have everything.”

He said, “That one bedroom apartment where I get my mail
Is really not a home, it’s more like a jail
With a swimming pool and a parking lot view
Man, it’s just great.
I hate summer, winter, fall and spring
Red and yellow, purple, blue and green
I hate everything.”


So I pulled out my phone, and I called my house
I said, “Babe, I’m coming home, we’re gonna
Work this out.”
I paid for his drinks, and I told him “Thanks.”
Thanks for everything

--George Strait

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Chinese Bowling

Today was a fairly good day at work. I don't say that too often. Usually I was say it was tiring, and today was tiring, but I had a few good laughs. A co-worker of mine, George, works two doors down the hall from me. He buzzes me, now all he has to do is talk and I can hear him because he is so loud, anyway - he buzzes me to ask a work related question about some guy that will be at our upcoming show. I answer, then he replied "how was bowling last night?" and I informed him that bowling ended. Then he went on to ask, "what about the guy?" and I said that too. He immediatly went on to tell me that this guy he was asking me about is Chinese bowler, and he is single. I about died of laughter. To George, that is a good slam. So the rest of the afternoon he went on convincing other people in our office that we are going to have a Chinese Bowling Exhibition and Conference, and I will be the principle bowler, and of course I had to play along and show people the correct Chinese bowling stance. It made for rather humorous afternoon.

When I left work, I was back in my work-focus mode. So the security guard informed me that he thinks I need to date. I was shocked by this statement. Yes, he sees me every day, but he barely knows me. For all he knows, I could have a boyfriend. But I don't - so I was dumb founded, what do you say to that??? My co-workers Matthew and Derek were behind me and got a big kick out of that one. THANKS EDDY! (the security guard)

Oh and Willy - I thought of you the other day. While rotating my tires, I thought of the night we were changing your flat tire at our old apt! Ahhh, the good ol' days. :)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Radomness Part 2

Everyone honks their horns here. It is driving me nuts. The light turns green, and you have 3 miliseconds to hit your gas pedal - or you get honked at. Today, I am following this guy, and at every light he honked at the person. It got to the point I even wanted to yell at him. It is so inconsiderate. I understand if you are really holding people up, but seriously, have some patience.

When I got home, this lady had the front window of her car covered in beanie babies. Now that is a little too much, don't you think. Who would want to ask out a girl whose car is covered in that crap. Thank goodness I never did get into them. I feel bad I have a monkey fetish, but at least I am not crazy about it. I have monkey's here and there, but not EVERYwhere.

You know what I hate. All day, you remember that one thing you have to get at the store. Then on your drive home, you remember you need to stop, but for what - you don't know. So you don't stop. Now tomorrow at work, I will be going along with my normal routine - getting nothing done until about 4:30, and while you are doing what ever it is you are doing, you remember. You might think to write it down, but you will write it on a paper that just happens to be in front of you, so when you go home, again you don't know where you wrote it or what you needed. All well, as long as I have what I need, I guess I will be okay.

Another thing...so I am at a red light, again, driving home today and there is this homeless person asking for money. Now I am doing good paying my bills and getting by with everything going on this year. And there is this guy smoking a cigerette begging for money. And then it hit me...this jerk had enough money to buy a cigerette - something that will eventually kill him - but can't afford food. And he wants us to give him money. Get a job jerk! Haven't they heard of gas stations, McDonald's, etc.

Okay, well I am off to put one of my fly friends into an envelope and mail him to an exterminator to see what they are. I do feel bad, me and my fly friends are becoming such good friends. We eat together, sleep together, watch tv together, hey - we even shower together!! But it has been long enough, it is time to say good-bye!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Home Sweet Home!

Today was a long day, but not a bad one. I got up this morning to meet up with a co-worker WAY before the sun came up to catch our flight to NYC. The whole drive to Dulles airport we were dreaming about coffee, it was too early to talk or keep our eyes open. We get to our concourse and find a place to grab two coffees and two muffins. While we were sitting there, I noticed three couples having a grand ol' time drinking malibu pinapples and bloody mary's (yes, at about 6am). So I opened my eyes a bit more to see they are all in festive shirts, shorts and sun glasses - then to find out these poopers are on their way to Cancun. Barb and I were dying, we wanted to go!! Gee, let me think...NYC for work or Cancun?! So off to NYC we went!

The day went fairly well. We talked the whole flight there, forgetting we had yet to do our homework before getting to the show, so we winged it. We got to the Javits Center and walked around meeting people, and chatting whenever possible. It is interesting how many men were there compared to girls. For the most part, I would have to say Barb and I were the only girls there. As we were walking, I noticed all these guys had mini basketballs - I wanted one! I stopped one guy and asked where he got it, and off we went. We got to the booth, and you were given three chances to make a basket, if you make it you get a basketball. Now this sounds easy, right? Yea, try it in heels and a skirt - not so easy. It was amazing how much a suit jacket and heels can throw you off, but don't you worry, we both made it in two shots and got our balls! Once we did that, we were done with the expo and still had about three hours to kill before we needed to head back to the airport. We had a late flight - just incase it took longer to walk the show floor.

So shopping it was. We walked down 34th street, and we got plenty of funny looks, but I don't blame them - I would have to say we did look fairly odd walking down the street all business like then carrying our cool basketballs. Back to the shopping. I have to say, I am very dissapointed with the fall look this year. I am going to have to stay with my jeans and sweatshirts, not that I really ever strayed from that to begin with, but this 70's look coming back, yea I am not really digging it. Although, we did stop in Ann Taylor Loft, and there were some great sales. If I had any money, I would have bought some really cute sweaters. But I was content with my basketball.

The flight home was rather humorous. Barb and I had dinner before we got on the flight. Dinner included a beer, and since we were already extremely tired, that beer just added to our fun. We got on the plane - still getting weird looks, and it was like a sauna in there. We were dying of heat. So Barb starts fanning her face with the barf bag, then proceeds to read it. I am sorry, but I am never thought "hey, I should read the barf bag" while I am sitting on the plane. Yea, sounds odd, but it was funny at the time.

All in all, it was an extremely long day, but a funny one as well. Now I am home and the heels are off, yes my feet hurt like no other, but at least they are finally off, and I am off to bed!

G'night all!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Today, I would have to say, I have been is a pretty cheery mood. Not sure what has gotten into me, but I need to snap out of it. I don’t want people to start thinking I am nice! I am completely overloaded at work, yet I am sitting here smiling about it, and taking the time to write this.

A co-worker just told me I am dressed dainty today, he said I looked like I was about to go out on a coffee date. Not sure how to take that given I have never been out on a coffee date, and if I ever did have a coffee date, I wouldn’t wear this. I would probably be in my jeans and a tee. Who wears a skirt and heels on a coffee date?? I have done coffee with friends, and the best I have worn was khaki’s. When he said that I just said thank you and kept on walking – then when I got into the hall, I laughed. Not sure why, but at the time it was funny.

Tomorrow I head to NYC for the day with a co-worker. I am looking forward to the flight there, eating lunch, eating dinner and the flight home. Not really looking forward to the show. I have no clue as to what I am doing. I thought I was just going to see what a show actually looks like, but now it sounds like I have to have verbage with me about our upcoming shows, and I don’t know what to say. I can tell them about the conference end, but booth sales – not so much. So I have lots to learn on the flight there.

Okay, so last night I get home from work, and I decided my place needs cleaning. I haven’t been home much, so it is messy. I cleaned for maybe five minutes until I decided I need to take a break!! All this traveling, and with work being so overwhelming, I have just been so out of it. So I crashed. I crashed hard. I think I was sleeping by 10:05!! This weekend is a low weekend. I am going to clean some more and not travel!! I will save my next road trip for next weekend.

Have you all read enough random thoughts?? I can keep going, but you are lucky, I need to get back to work.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Nice hat K! Posted by Picasa

Friends together again! Posted by Picasa

Kari and I had to get a pic with Kyle. Man, I can't tell you the last time the three of us were together last. Posted by Picasa

Home sweet Home

Friday after work, I headed to Rochester. Even though Rochester is my "home" I was ready to come back to the DC area by Saturday afternoon. Lately, it just feels like I am never here, over the next couple months, I will be back and forth much more.

I can't really complain though. I do get to see my friends, friends that mean a lot to me. Although, on saturday I called Christine to find out she is back at her home and not in Rochester - you still suck for that by the way! This weekends trip was for my friend Kari's bridal shower. I haven't seen her in about a year and a half. We both moved out of Rochester on the same day, how odd is that. Any who, so I spent saturday with her. We had fun. At night we went line dancing at the Roost! I haven't been there in years, obviously, but it was great to be out there dancing again. We, Kari and I, made complete fools out of ourselves, but we had a blast doing so. We got there, dressed more prep and not in the typical linedancing apparel (jeans, boots, and a tee), so we had couple looks. But then the guys found us to be fun loving girls, out to have fun just like the rest of them. Well there was this guy that just would not stop staring at me, so I clung onto Kari. Finally, after an hour he came up to me and asked me to dance, I said no and thanked him for the offer - the last thing he needed was for me to step all over his feet trying to figure out the steps! There were twin guys behind us that laughed at my answer, and we stuck by them the rest of the night. When they went out to dance - we went and tried our best. I would have to say we did the best when we did the couples dances, I was the guy and Kar was the girl. yea - we sucked, but we are positive we will be receiving a call any day now asking us to go on a dancing tour!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Hopfully this will end with a dream come true...


Men and Haircuts

ROADTRIP! Yay – or so we thought. We were scheduled to leave at 12. But thanks to our Prima Donna, we left shortly after 1. Now this hour delay had nothing to do with work – which would have been acceptable – no he had to get his hair cut. HELLO YOU HAD ALL WEEKEND! And he thought we were inconsiderate because when he returned our computers were off and we were ready to walk out the door. He is one that will never apologize for making us wait. To me, that is the rudest thing, make three people wait on your behalf because you can not plan accordingly and act like we are the jerks because we are a little annoyed that we had to wait over an hour because you can’t plan ahead. So needless to say, we were not all happy when we got in the car. I was lucky; I was in the back of the van, spread out and just dove into listening to the music. We got to the hotel in just enough time to clean up and go again. The whole time we were at the conference, it was awkward with our little Prima Donna. But we made it through. Us girls left yesterday, after day 1 of the conference, and rolled in at 11pm last night. Now we all feel like crap – I think we are all getting colds – but it is off to work I go. I have lots of traveling ahead of me, so I just need to keep my head up and truck on.

All my guy friends, even the few girl friends I have, please don’t hold up a group of people like that. It is very inconsiderate and inappropriate.

Okay, I have to go to work now.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

My friend Vicky. Posted by Picasa

Blast from the Past

Yesterday I was able to see a friend I haven't seen in about 10 years. Vicky, the girl from the picture above, and I went to school together when I lived in Colorado. She was one of my closest friends there, and yesterday I got to see her all grown up. All in all, she hasn't changed at all. Well, except for the fact that she is married, and lives on the east coast, but when it comes down to her personality – nothing changed there. She was always the girl that is very caring, sweet, and outgoing. I was excited to see her after all these years, but a bit nervous - what would we talk about, where would we go, and would it be awkward. I would have to say, we had lots to talk about, we grabbed a beer, and three hours flew by fast. I told her about my life in DC, she brought me up to date on her married life, we did the "how is the family" bit, and of course we had to talk about old friends - the best part. So we decided that we need to try to get the gang back together again. So many of my friends are married now, and I want to see them and hear about what they are doing. I have some digging to do! But it will be fun, and I want to see if it is still the same. Morgan - drama girl and loves boys, Kirsten - shy, Claudia - goofy, Katie - loud and carefree, Vicky - sweet and carefree, then there was me - quiet and willing to go along with any dumb thing we did. Man, I miss the good ol' days when we let Morgan talk us into spying on the guys, and ducking out of study hall to go watch the guys play soccer in PE (skins and shirts). Needless to say, Morgan would AWAYS root for the skins team. Then I would always root for Jeremy - the guy that never knew I was alive, in a class size of 24. Sad, I know. Well I think it is time to try to get out class back together, a class I haven't seen since 1996.

Vicky, thank you for the fun afternoon. I hope you trip home was safe, and I can't wait to see you again!

Friday, August 12, 2005

One Business Trip - 3 Kids

On monday I am heading to Philly for a conference management conference. Yes, a conference on how to manage a conference. Sounds odd, but I am very excited to learn all this new information that I can bring back, and kick butt with! Although, there are three kids going. Barb, Shane, and I. Yes, I am still a kid.

On tuesday, Barb and I went slipper shopping during lunch. Our office is extremely cold, and that my friends, make you feet VERY cold - so slippers was the answer. Now we were being good, looking for classic, black slippers. We went to hects and could not find comfortable, decent slippers, then I turned the corner and found our new slippers. There were four different styles to choose from! I love a choice in comfortable slippers. There were monkey's, duckies, cats, and poodles. Now these slippers had hands and feet that hung off to the sides and big heads with poofie hair - it took us a good 5 minutes to stop laughing and only 30 seconds to decide we HAD to have a pair. So we bought three pair, one for her, one for me, and one for our friend T back at the office. So we go back to work all gitty, and as soon as we stepped foot into the office - bam - professional. (You never know who is going to be there when you walk in!) So we make it back to our desks, throw on ours and run to T's desk to surprise her with her pair. Again, we laughed. I went back to work, but then I hear this quacking - I was like T, what the hell is that noise? She goes wizzing by me to barb's office and her face is beat red in laughter. I ran in after to learn that our highly professional slippers make noises! The duckies quack, the cats meow, and then there were my slippers - the monkies - oh my gosh, they let of the most obnoxious monkey cry that lasts at least 10 seconds. I was on the floor crying I was laughing so hard. Just imagine three girls, dressed in business apparel with these loud slippers - it makes our stressful, beyond hectic days fun.

Now, of course in the office we are professional, but outside the office, that is a different story! Shane is just loud and funny, and when you put Barb and I together when we are ready to have fun, we are like to 5 year olds and these slippers are going with us on our roadtrip to Philly, and Shane will be bringing his Taz slippers to fit it. Granted we will be on our game when we need to be, but we can not wait to have a little fun being kids together! It will be like giving three kids each their own hotel room for a night - with no curfew, and lots of soda and candy! ROADTRIP!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

New Start

Well I am officially a Maryland Resident now. I know, very exciting. It really can't get much better than that. This all happened Monday morning. I got up and hit the MVA. Maryland likes to be different, they don't call it a DMV here like most states - no it is the MVA. That is Maryland for you, high class.

So all in all, the past three months have been interesting - getting used to new job, move to a new state, and now, back to the single life. All of my friends are either in New York or Virginia - so I have my work cut out for me. Virginia, it was easy to meet people - I worked with people my age. Maryland is a different story. I enjoy the people I work with - but no one is really my age to see out side of work. They all have their families to go home and care to - but I do enjoy all the stories I hear through out the day. Anywho - new changes bring interesting times. So now is my time to soak it up and make the best of it. This means - off to meet people, but where? Not at the bars, because then you just get the creeps? Ah, Virginia! Back to see all my friends who live 45 minutes away. Oh yea, and don't forget all the lovely weddings I have "back home" - I have my friends to catch up with there, and that is always a good time.

Well that is enough for me. I am off to be a professional again for another 9 or so hours, then back to being a kid!

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Sean (5-6 years ago) after I found him, cleaned him up, and put him on a bed - THEN I told the entire extended family where to fine Sean looking his best for a good photo! Posted by Picasa

Sean - last night lookin his best! Posted by Picasa

Sean, my dear friend Sean

Over the years, you might think one would change - try new things. Well, Sean has proven this theory wrong! Sean, you know I love ya. You have been apart of my life for many years - and you know I hold you close to my heart. But Sean, what is this I am seeing? 5-6 years ago you came over to a family get together at my parents house to having a few cosmos, a few too many, tell dirty jokes only to fall asleep in the middle of telling them. From that point on, my whole family loves you and will never forget who Sean is. Now 5-6 years later, I am gettings photos of you that are very similar from the cosmo night at my parents house way back when. All I have to say, I am glad you haven't changed!

Friday, August 5, 2005


Things have been really good on my end, and I can't complain. Yea, we all have our days were things get you down. But I like my job, I am surrounded by friends and family, and I have a great place to live. I am still trying to finish up all the crap of moving, but tomorrow I should be all done - or so I hope. Tomorrow I register my car in Maryland. I can't wait to see how much this is going to cost me. These past two years have been big money years, and it is amazing how money can really bring you down. Last year I went from paying $335/month to paying $770 month, and buying a car to this year$1000 a month. Not only that, but then there is all the moving costs, and now this year - weddings. Usually moving is stressful enough, but now I have to add weddings to the list. Now don't get me wrong, I am thrilled my friends are getting married, and they have asked me to take part in it or attend their special day - but either way, it is freakin expensive. For the weddings that I am in, there is the dresss, then the shoes, then the hairstyle - oh don't forget about the bridal shower and bachelorette parties. All this adds up to A L O T. For the weddings I am attending, there is travel costs (none of the weddings this year are where I live, they are at least 300 miles away), then there is the gift, can't show up with out one of those or you look like a chump. I love my friends and my family - and I am so happy to see so many of them get married this year. Just right now, it is really wearing on me.

sorry guys.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Good Morning

Okay, so my alarm went off at 6 this morning, as it has most of this week so I can get to work early to prepare for vacation next week. So I wake up all happy as I was rolling out of bed and saying to myself, as I am turning off my alarm, "I don't have to wake up to an alarm for over a week!" Then reality hit not even two seconds later, and I was like "Oh, I have to wake up to an alarm tomorrow." Talk about a buzz kill at 6:30.

I hate alarms. They never go off when you want them to. You might wake up at 5:30am and be awake enough to get up, but its not time yet. You lay there and lay there watching the minutes go by. Then as soon as you are getting tired and you start to doze off, the alarm goes off. At that point you realize you will be cranky all day because your stupid alarm went off. Then there are the mornings it just goes of far too early. The alarm never takes you into consideration. I think alarms should pay more attention to their masters. We may set the alarm to 5:30am one day, but do we really want to get up that early?? But then there is the job factor. You need to be there by a certain time. Now there they go, trying to run your life by demanding this time of arrival. They are just as mean as alarm clocks.

Now I shouldn't be talking. I don't have to be at work until 9. But for the most part, I try to get there early. I like to go in, have my cup of tea, and slowly roll into it. Oh, and if my phone rings before 9:15 at work - it best be important. For some time, the same person was calling me at 8:45 EVERY morning. I finanlly got to know him well enough where I could say "George, it is 8:45, what are you doing at 8:45?" He laughed, and now he will call that early just to get a good laugh with me in the morning. SERIOUSLY though - no need to start work that eary!

Okay, now that I have blabbered enough, I have to get my butt in gear for work. I am going casual, today at 5:30 starts my vacation baby, and if you think I am staying ONE minute over - you're nuts!

Sean, Willy, Tim, and Christine - I will get a picture of Kyle not burned for ya! And I can't wait to see you all on the 29th. Oh, and my friends Mike and Kellie (my old manager and his finace) might hang with us that night. They will be "home" too!!

Thursday, July 7, 2005

F'in B

Yes, that is me! As most of you know, I went to a wedding in Chicago with family this past weekend. I was wanting a relaxing weekend, at it defiantly was not anything close. I would have to say of the four nights we were there; we all had maybe 9-10 hours of sleep tops. The beds were horrible, but the company was rambunctious – and of course you became the same. We arrived in the “windy city” on Thursday night and left on Monday morning. It was family togetherness the entire trip – by Sunday I would have to say we were all getting a bit cranky! As I said, all together, catching up, staying up late, and the beds were soo bad that you couldn’t sleep when you wanted to. Any who, Saturday was the wedding. Wedding was beautiful, bride looked her best, and her sister, who has the most amazing voice, sang. I love hearing her sing, on those rare occasions that she does. The reception was at 6:30 and the dancing started around 8 and lasted until midnight. I don’t think most of us girls, including my uncle and my dad ever left that dance floor. Whenever my dad and my uncle tried, I pulled them right back out there. It was a blast. When it was time to leave, I grabbed the center piece to take to the bride’s house in the morning, and walked out to the shuttle (van) that took us back to the hotel. As I was climbing into the van I asked a groomsman to hold onto the vase and said “don’t spill it.” After I said that, he pours half of the water all over his girlfriend and tried to make it look like an accident. This girlfriend screamed, yelling “THAT F*#%ING Bitch!” I was laughing my butt off, I’m sorry, but it was hysterical, he just dumped it on her. So she proceeded to yell at me as if I poured it on her. By this point, I would have liked to pour the rest of it over her head, but I was nice and just sat there. This girlfriend is still rambling off about how I am a F#$%ing Bitch. I am not caring, just wanting her to calm down. Then she proceeded to swear at the driver telling him to F*#$ing Go, and he sat there – he was blocked in with no where to go. Then the bride and groom were walking over, and a Family friend that I was sitting with yelled at this girlfriend saying “can you stop swearing for 5 minutes, the bride in getting in and you need to behave!” The girlfriend went to speak, and my friend yelled “NO – STOP!” Once the bride and groom got in, it was like the past 5 minutes never happened, but we had a good story for the next morning. You may call me FB if you would like. I still prefer swampy or tubby – but FB works too. It is what I answered to for the rest of the weekend!