Monday, November 19, 2007
God's Will
My path to Phoenix may have been a detour. Even if you asked me this a year ago. I was being selfish. I didn't listen or look at the warning signs, I just did as I wished. Thankfully, God introduced me to a wonderful friend who has reminded me of my faith and who I am. She has brought back a girl I used to love. And thankfully my friend has over looked my falses. She sees me for who I am not what I am. She is also bringing back the child in me.
Anywho...I was recently encouraged to apply for a position, and I did. It was a position I became very enthusiastic about, to say the least. The person that is currently holding that position was also enthusiastic about me taking over the position. This was a position I prayed about every day. Asking the good Lord not to offer me the position if it wasn't his will, because this wasn't something I could turn down. Telling the Lord that this time I would listen, and follow his plan. This morning I made that call to see if a decision was made. Yes, the decision was made, and as you can guess, it wasn't me. Did it break my heart? Yes. My heart was indeed broken. I was ready and willing to give that position all I had. In the end, it wasn't God's will. It wasn't the plan I am supposed to follow.
It is not my intention to sound "preachy" or "churchy" as some may call it...but this is me. This is who I am. I pray to the Lord to help me in decisions, to help me in life. Honestly, I don't know where I would be without Him, and part of me thinks that my friend was an angel he sent me to remind me of all that. She doesn't judge me. She doesn't say anything when I curse or make a wrong decision...instead she is a friend. A friend I am very grateful for.
My bestfriend, my mother, she wanted to cry with me. She wanted to be upset me that it wasn't God's will. She called me the instant I emailed her with tears in my eyes and probably knowing that I thought it was all my fault. That they didn't like me, they didn't like my personality. And what she told me, was that God has another path I need to follow.
So God, I will follow that path. I open my arms and heart to you, show me the way!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Okay - so my favorite lines from either a tv show or movie from this weekend:
Psych: Shawn "Good call on the mini bat"
South Pacific: After Emile told Nellie he killed a guy. Nellie: I am okay that you killed a guy, because you said it was for a good reason. My thoughts: WHO WOULD DATE A GUY AFTER HE TELLS YOU HE KILLED A GUY!!! HELLO PEOPLE. Love South Pacific - but man is it unreal!!!
I am off - have a great Monday all!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My little guy!
Every morning we have our routine. He makes sure I am up, we play a bit before I actually get out of bed, then we race to the kitchen were I feed him and make coffee. I sit on the floor, next to his food, drink my coffee while he eats breakfast. If I don't sit there, then he won't eat. Bart has to be in the same room I am in. After he eats, we typically take a shower. Bart sits on the edge of the tub so he can still see that we are in the same room, and when the shower turns off he jumps and and begins playing in the puddles left behind. For some reason, I love this part of the day. He loves splashing around in that water. The worst part is watching him look at me as I leave for work. So sad! As you can tell, I love my little guy. He tends to be my world sometimes.
Well I best get back to work.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Small Things
As I have mentioned before, I have decided to volunteer my time through AASK. Through AASK, I am a "special friend" to a foster child serving as a mentor. I have been going through a long application process, background check, fingerprint check...the whole shabang. I believe this all began in March. It is now July, and last night I met the foster child I will be working with. There is much paper work to be read before Saturday, my first time to really hang out with him, but last night was a whole new experience for me. I have been on a mission trips and seen different living conditions. However, last night was completely different. Usually when I have been out seeing these conditions, I am with a group of people that are thrilled to see the group of kids we were working with. I met the boy's guardian last night, and she didn't have that excitement in her that I am used to seeing...but again, this is typical for what I am doing. It is just heart breaking. On mine 40 minute car ride home I felt stupid for being frustrated that my television broke the night before and so on. My goal is to find a new appreciation through this child, and I truly hope we learn so much from each other!
Have a great Thursday all!
Monday, July 9, 2007
It's Gunna be a Good Week!
As far as this week goes, it is Monday and I am in a fairly good mood, which is a plus. Usually Monday's I am in a poopish mood. Not a Monday fan. However, I am trying to keep a good outlook on the week. New TV shows start this week...oh and my fun news: Wednesday at 7:30pm I am meeting the foster child that I will be mentoring. His name: Malik. His dream vacation: a Carnival. What he wants to be when he grows up: He's 7, how is he supposed to know. Needless to say, with an answer like that, how can you not want to hang out with him!!! Heck, most of my friends still say they don't know and they are around 20 years older than him. What a good kid! As for the rest of my week, I am just chillin'. No major plans, no "have to's"...nothing.
This past weekend, Kelly and I went to an Irish Pub on Friday night. That made for an interesting night. I was the DD, so two beers it was for me. We sat between two guys. The guy next to Kelly had the preppy look, dress khaki's and a nice polo - chewed on a red straw the entire night and annoyed Kelly with his "why do guys wear mohawks to a Irish Pub?" flirt talk. The guy next to me was a married Johnny Depp look alike. He was telling me places I should go on vacation in attempt to flirt. We would occasionally look at each other with strange faces and laugh. Although we did get the typical picture of us out! Saturday I texted Kelly kindly informing saying: your boyfriend called and wants his straw back. In reply, she texted saying: Johnny Depp's wife called, she wants to thrown down. We laughed. Sunday she sent me a message: two day rule, where are my pictures from Friday night (as they were on my camera). My reply: I lost the pictures on the camera during my butt kicking from Johnny Depps wife. However, I did send her boyfriend the pictures for his "things that remind me of Kelly" collection. So far he has a red straw and the pictures. Some day she will get those pictures. :o) The things we do for a good laugh!
This week - it will be a good one! I can tell.
Friday, July 6, 2007
All in one week...
Last night, I was watching season 4 of Scrubs, episode "my cake" and it hit me - John Ritter played JD's father and this episode was in remembrance of him. All this in a four day stretch. John Ritter was one of my favorite actors, he amazing ability to make people laugh in his career was admirable. Watching a the few episodes that were made after he passed was a good reminder of what life is about. family, love, health, togetherness - and I am blessed to have all that in my life.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wooden Rollercoasters
This past weekend I was in Chicago for my cousin's college graduation party. It was a bitter sweet weekend. Most of the family flew in Thursday night. My cousin Jessy rented an SUV to fit six of us and our luggage. We actually fit perfectly, oddly enough. I was in the far back with the luggage listening to my nano as jessy drove with four back seat drivers telling her were to go. It was as if I was on an old wooden roller coaster for 45 minutes, it was that windy and when four people are telling you different ways to go - the driving was that bad. The good side, we were all laughing about it. The driving didn't get much better over the weekend, at one point we almost bought neck braces and helmets! Sadly, those were the best times of the weekend. No drama. While we were in house with all family members - there were about 15 of us total - it was drama filled. Every chance we had to get in the SUV and have Jessy drive us somewhere, we jumped at the opportunity. SUV = saving grace!
While I was in Chicago, I was able to see my friend Phil. Phil is a friend from Purdue that I haven't seen in 6 years. We talk every week, but haven't had the opportunity to see each other. He and his little brother (Paul) came to the graduation party. Phil, my dad and my uncle George spent the night making fun of me - which kept us all laughing for the night. He seemed to get along well with my family, so that was nice. He was able and willing to talk to anyone - after all, that is a hard situation to walk into - someones family party. Next weekend I will be seeing him in Vegas. He will be there for a bachelor party and I will be popping in for a day! Six years of not seeing him, then we see each other twice in a month. Odd how things happen!
Back from Chicago and at work - the drama continues. I am exhausted by it. Monday my boss came in my office and shut the door. She was informing me of some upcoming changes. I had an idea that one thing might happen, but I was trying to let it not happen. My friend was let go on Tuesday, Monday she was off. It broke my heart. We were finally getting along great, and now - bye bye. :( Made for an awkward day. Now I am focusing on the office move. Well, at least trying. I was told that I am allowed to paint my new office, although I don't think I will be taking that opportunity. White is fine with me.
Well I am off to get some stuff done. Have a great Thursday all!
Monday, June 4, 2007
I went to see my nephew this weekend. He is just too cute. What a flirt, and at 10 months. He smiles at everything. You can throw things at him, and he sits there and smiles. LOVE HIM! Although he was doing something that had me cracking up. He has this big froggie stuffed thingie. He gets sooo excited to climb on it that he does his little dance that makes him look like he his having sex with it. I about died. Kari got it on camera!! Hey - that is good stuff to embarrass him later in life with.
Hmmm - what else. Oh, I have lost my appetite. Ever since I had a stomach bug before I left for Milwaukee, I eat once a day and then I am not hungry for the rest of the day. I can't even try to force myself to eat. Stinky. I need to get that changed before I see family this weekend.
Well I am off to find things to do. Willy it was good to hear from you. I hope all is well. I will call you soon. Kyle, tell Amanda that I say hello.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I was on the phone with my brother when another call came in. I ignored it, as I haven't spoken to my brother in a week or so, and the person calling I saw on Saturday. She had left a message, which is rare seeing she understands I never listen to my voicemail. Since she left a message, I figured something was up. I asked my brother if I may call him back in three minutes and he obliged. I didn't listen to the voicemail, I just called my friend back. No answer. Checked my voicemail, and she asked me to call her as soon as I recieved the message, and to call the house line. 'But that is what I did' I thought to I called it again. As soon as she answered, I asked "what's wrong?" I have know her eleven years, I knew something was up. "I am thinking of going home" she said. "Home? Rochester, home?" I asked. "Yes, I can't do this anymore" was her reply. She was giving the baby a bath as I told her I thoroughly cleaned my apartment yesterday (for she is allergic to my cat) why don't you and the baby come here tonight, the baby can sleep and you and I can talk. Her telling me she is thinking of leaving her husband is shocking to me. I figured a good talk and cry might help. And being here, not at home might also help. Luckely I did "de-cat" my apartment yesterday. (Yes, I have to de-cat my apartment, even for me.) I through some extra things in the wash just incase, and as soon as she comes in, I will take the baby and have an allegra with water ready for her to take. Bart and I are now in the spare room, where he will be as long as she and baby stay with me.
Background - I don't care all too much for her husband. But I care for him because he is married to one of my dearest friends. When it comes to her, I will do all I can to help. She can stay with me for as long as she would like. As for Bart...Bart and I will have to see what we can do to make things work - if it even comes to that. If it does come to would be the bestest friend I could possibly be. I like to think things out. I like to think about the "what if's" in lfe. So now I am trying to think of what I will offer if things come down to it. She is my family here, yes I will be there for her. It will be an interesting night. Please pray for her! She could use the support.
Thank you!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My Two Weeks
The past two weeks have been great! Although, I do have to say, I am extremely glad to be home!! Next week I am home and then I leave again. Next trip - Milwaukee, WI. CHEESE HAT HERE I COME!!!!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Monday I slept till 9, went down and had breakfast. After that it was set-up time. I finished setting up pretty quickly, so I did my people watching in the hotel area I was set up in. Quickly, I noticed there were a lot of guys carrying guns, it was a Jail Convention. As I was sitting there, this Sheriff walks up and starts asking why I was there...bla bla bla. He was hung over beyond belief, so instead of going to the session he talked to me. I didn't mind - killed time. After two hours of him going into sessions, then coming out to talk to me, he asked if I wanted to go out that night. Go into Nashville, with a Sheriff - Sure! Why not!! I got to my room to change at 7:30 and was back in the Lobby by 7:40 - that included taking a call from work too. Pulled hair back, threw on my jeans, boots and a tee and I was out the door. When I got in his car, all I wanted to do was play with the lights!! Now that was fun!! We went to a karaoke bar. I love karaoke bars and making fun of those you think they can sing but really can't. Apparently in Nashville, the karaoke bars didn't get that message. Everyone that sang had amazing voices. No one to make fun of!! What's the point of Karaoke?? I had a blast anyway. Then my date, Anthony, got up and sang "I'm to Sexy" - yea I have pictures!! Very funny!!
Tuesday, I went out with my friend Bennjin. We went to the Tin Roof to hear James Dean Hicks play. I met James Dean when he was with Bennjin in DC last October or November. That was a great night. We thought it would be an early night but we didn't leave until one, getting me back to the hotel by 1:30. Oh, I had to be up at 5:30 every morning - so late nights were fun, just made it hard the next morning.
Wednesday and Thursday I stayed in. It was room service those nights.
Friday I taxied into the city for happy hour with Bennjin and his co-workers. Then we went to another bar for pool and some grub with our beer. I was home by 12:30 that night.
As for Saturday, it was up at 5:30 but done by 12:30 to head to the airport. All in All, it was a great week!! I have some pictures that are fun to share, but I will upload once I get back from San Antonio. I need to get back to laundry and packing. One day home - not enough!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Update on Life
On another note, yesterday I had an interview to be a friend/mentor to a foster child. It was interesting. It was at my place and this young woman was seeing if my place and my car are suitable for children. She asked if I wanted a boy or a girl - or even a certain age range. My answer - I don't care. I am looking to befriend who ever would like it. Half of me would really like a boy - but then I would love a girl too. On the 15th I have a 4 hour session I have to attend - kinda like orientation. Oh and I get to go to the police station and get my fingerprints taken. Now that will be fun!!!!! (Again, the small things in life that make me happy.)
Well I am off to do work. OR NOT!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Bambie Gets Stung
Last night Kelly and I went to see Fracture. We thought it would be more of a suspenseful movie. Not at all. It was a drama, but it was good. It was just entertainment. I suggest renting it. Not worth seeing it in the theatre.
Today I have nothing on my plate. Nothing. I can do whatever I want. This morning I finished watching season one of Scrubs. Love that show!! I am thinking about buying season two. It is just too funny. Although Thursday (I think) I saw the episode where J.D.'s father dies, I have to say that has been one of my favorite episodes I have seen. I love the relationship between Dr. Cox and J.D. - how Dr. Cox can be harsh at times, but than can be the great friend J.D. needs. I like.
Well I am off to do something today. Whatever that is...I have yet to figure out!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Quote to Ponder
~Albert Einstein
This quote is an interesting one. One that I would stand behind if asked. I believe that one day, we will be standing in front of God where he is holding the book of life asking us why we should be entered into Heaven, and most, if not all, of us would like to be able to inform Him how we used our lives to better ourselves and others. However, I don’t believe that we should live our lives in fear of this day. This shouldn’t be our main goal to do good.
My hope is that people are opening their eyes to the world, becoming knowledgeable of the events that are taking place. Whether or not you support the war, are you supporting the troops that are risking their lives every day so we can live our lives freely? Are you finding ways to assist others in areas you might excel in? Not everyone is a giver…but you may be an encourager or a teacher…are you doing your part? We have all grown up with some sort of education, are we using the information that we have been granted?
We all need open our eyes and take a look around. My friends are big on photography, and that is an exceptional thing. Are they seeing what they are taking pictures of? They are very talented people, with kind hearts – are they using their talents fully?
As for me…I would say that I am defiantly not a teacher!! I love to give and to encourage. The giving, I am in the process of finding an area to give. The encouragement, I am encouraging everyone to find their talent and share it with others. Take your past experiences, what you enjoyed or excelled in and see what you are able to come up with. Let us not live our lives in fear, but let us use what God gave us. Our education, our ability to open our eyes and see what is going on. For there is so much we can do that we are not doing.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Place in this World
But I am standing still
A life of pages
Waiting to be filled
A heart that's hopeful
A head that's full of dreams
But this becoming
Is harder than it seems
Feels like I'm
Looking for a reason
Roaming through the night to find
My place in this world
My place in this world
Not a lot to lean on
I need Your light to help me find
My place in this world
My place in this world
If there are millions
Down on their knees
Among the many
Can you still hear me
Hear me asking
Where do I belong
Is there a vision
That I can call my own
Show me I'm
Chorus. ~Michael W. Smith
This song is exactly how I feel. My apologies if my posts have been redundant. However, they are my posts... Last night I was at an event, and while I was sitting there this song popped into my mind, and it fit. This is exactly how I have been feeling. Moving here, I have been able to start me life over, in a way, but I am still trying to find what fits. Am I ready to be in a home group? Not sure. I enjoy the people, but the actual group discussions and don't believe I am ready for. I am on the fence, being torn between the side I would like to be on and my insecurities. Do I let the insecurities win or do I fight? If I choose to fight, how long will I be able to put up this fight?
Last night I thought about my place and thought about the place I want to be. That brought me no where! Wait, nope, that left me on my patio swinging on my new swing. I enjoy my life currently. The steps I have been taking are good ones. That may not be the perfect steps, but we all need to start somewhere. If I push too hard, I will end up a mess, so I am taking it slow. Taking it slow with a smile on my face. Until I figure out what is right for me, I will still be wondering what my place in this world is. I am okay with that!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sweet talk/Work/Koko
Okay, enough of the girl talk. Work is going well. I am still trying to recover from Boston and my parents being in town. I have been trying to prep for the next two shows and I just don't seem to have the energy. All I want to do is go outside and play. Work is not in my vocabulary. Tonight I think I will go for a walk in the park. Maybe there will be a ball game going on or something of the sort. Either that or read a book on the patio. Bart would like the second choice. He loves the patio since dad made it so he can play out there now.
Speaking of books. One of my favorite books as a child was Koko's Kitten. Yesterday I went to the Koko site and donated money to Koko and her friends. This got me back into my mode of wanting to adopt a primate! How fun would that be! Yes, messy - but they are just so very cute. If you haven't read Koko's Kitten, I strongly urge you to read it. (It takes, oh, 15 minutes!)
Monday, April 9, 2007
I'm Back!
Monday was set-up. We had the reg area all set up by 1:30 giving us the entire afternoon and evening to do whatever. Neither of us was used to this and had no clue what to do. So what did we do, went to a pub where we would watch the games, have a brew and get some grub. After that pub, we went to Cheers. I was thrilled and the typical tourist – taking pictures of EVERYTHING. On a good note, I don’t believe it embarrassed Bob one bit, or at least he didn’t let on that it was. There I was hanging out of the taxi taking pictures of the neat building while Bob sat laughing. Cheers was pretty neat. Again, we had a brew and some grub. After Cheers – Bob took me to the oldest running pub in Boston, I believe it was called the Green Dragon. Now you are probably thinking, what a bunch a lushes. It probably does look that way, and I did drink a bit too much, but I didn’t even notice until later how much we had drank. All of the sudden it hit me, and I was ready to head back to the hotel. Luckily Bob didn’t mind.
Tuesday was show day. We worked all day. And for dinner, we met up with Sonia, a friend of mine from High School. Talking about high school made me feel old. And now she is engaged. Wow. And everyone thought I would be the first to marry. Boy were they wrong! Last it will be!
Wednesday was similar to Tuesday. Worked all day, but this time we went to dinner with the show organizers and some exhibitors. That was fun. One guy was telling me I would never get a guy since I travel about once a month. Needless to say, I didn’t talk to him much, he was too cheerful for me. Such nice things to here when you meet someone…”you will never get a guy, no wonder you are single!” Moved on to the next person, Boston I call him. He was hysterical. Married with two kids. He had me laughing all night. He drank WAY too much and was in people’s faces telling stories. Back at the hotel bar, just about everyone was felling pretty good. Well except me. The waters with lemon weren’t quite as strong, shocking I know. But the night was a blast, and it was fun to make some friends that I will hopefully see next year.
Thursday we worked then caught a flight home.
Friday I worked a half day then my co-workers and I headed out to lunch where my parents caught up with us. Yep, the parents flew to Arizona for Easter weekend. It was great. Well, until my co-workers started talking. They were trying to see how much my parents knew about my life. Billy saying my tummy was pudgy and the guy I think is cute. The two things I probably would have never brought up the entire weekend, my co-workers hit. It went over well. The rest of the weekend, we worked on my place and I showed them around a bit. It was a nice weekend – but I am glad to have my bed back.
Well I am off to get some grub. I hope everyone had a great Easter! Oh! At Church, the resurrection was compared to Humpty Dumpty – funny, but impressive. And the parents liked the service. Phew!!! Okay, I am really off to eat this time.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Adios (for a week or so)
Coming home from a show, you are on a high. Your mind is filled with so many stories that will live in your forever. Due to complete lack of sleep, it is interesting to see what things you will do. My old co-worker and I learned not to stop and grab a beer when you have an hour to wait for a plane. We both had basketballs (small ones) that we were bringing home from an event. We bounced them all around NYC, bounced them through security, bounced them to the restaurant. Drank a beer, just one - then heard the final boarding call for our plane. Bounced the balls to the bathroom (we figured we had time) then ran to our plane. Bounced the balls on the plane saying "man it's hot in here" then noticed that everyone was looking at us, and they weren't happy. We stopped the bouncing - found our seats - died of laughter. We were those annoying people!! You think we would have learned from this. NOPE. It happens every show, the more of our company that is with us, the harder we all laugh. Lack of sleep is a dangerous thing!
Now is my time to go to bed, so tomorrow I can take another trip and make some great memories. Have a wonderful week all! And have a great Easter if I don't talk to you.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Food for Thought
Anywho, I am tired of all the laziness around us everyday. And it is the small things I am noticing. Take for instance, yesterday, I stopped at the supermarket on my way home from work. While walking in I noticed about ten shopping carts that people didn't take the two extra minutes to push them to the cart return. This is irritating to me, probably because I worked places were we all had to help push carts on busy days. Now don't get me wrong, I loved pushing carts - it is actually quite fun. But please people, take the two minutes to push the cart to the cart return.
We are so spoiled these days. We don't take the time to care about the small things. We need to start watching our actions and make some changes in our daily routines. Pick up after ourselves. Return your carts. Help someone load groceries with a smile on your face. Slow down, be patient in life. Open your eyes, and see what life has to offer.
On a side note, I am thinking about volunteer work. In DC I volunteered at Habitat for Humanity. This time I am thinking about volunteering at an elderly home. So today, my goal is to start looking into this. That way, when I get back next week I can start making calls - see if anyone is looking for a volunteer. That may not be a great way to meet people, but volunteering isn't about is about helping others. I encourage everyone to do a little volunteer work - it is worth every second just to see the smiles on peoples faces.
Well I am off to pretend I am working today. It's Friday. All I have to do today is make sure I have everything I need for Boston. Oh! I am hoping Bob will want to go to Harvard. The convention center is 7.69 miles away and I am dying to see the campus!! Bob is good to me, if we have the time, i am almost positive he will say okay, especially since it would keep me smiling the whole trip. How amazing would it be to have dinner on campus, get a book, and people watch?!
Oh, one more thing. I work next to the Scottsdale Airport...which is great. The building behind us has a hanger with the neatest plane in it. I will have to bring my camera to work and take a picture. It reminded me of a plane my grandfather used to fly. Too neat. Oh, then there is an ICI store (Glidden paint) - takes me back to the good ol' CP days!!!
All right - back to work.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Three GREAT Things for Today:
2. Sam, my co-worker, sent me an email with a smiley face lifting his leg, squinting his face and saying "I'm gassy today." Oh, that kept me laughing for a good couple hours. I maybe 27, but I can still act like I am 5! (I would say two, but I can make complete sentences.)
3. There is a carnival at the school across the street. Hey Kac, it's a shame you don't live here, it could have been like old times! After all, that is the night we became friends.
Alright - so i miss my friends. I could be worse. I need to just be me. Oh, and I have already called Matty today! I am such a dork.
back to work.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hola Amigos!
I have been working on toning my stomach since I have been hearing about my pudginess everyday at work. And let me tell you, my tummy is sore as crap! That must mean my exercises are working!! It would be nice to be a little more fit again though. Especially since I will be seeing my old co-workers next month. It will have only been three months since I have seen them, but it is always nice to look good when you see old co-workers...ya know?!
Yesterday, my business associates decided to voice there concern for me. Apparently I was too quiet at work. They thought I was too stressed. I wasn't stressed, maybe a little, but this is my first away show with T3 and I am trying to get it right. Ship everything that I need, and prep for the show I have three weeks after I return. I was just overwhelmed, no need for them to be concerned. Although, it was kind. Eric, my friend here at work, has been busy lately. I miss him. Kinda pathetic huh? But I miss my friend. Us new guys are busy and have less time to shoot the breeze together. I did drag him to pick up an order with me, just to get some friend time in. That was fun.
Alright, I am off to wait for my shipment to get picked up. Then go home and take a nap. I need it!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Last Full Weekend in March
Saturday night I watched the movie "Saved" and I would have to say I was not impressed. A pastor friend told me it was a great I checked it out. Not so much. I am sitting here trying to think of how to describe this movie, and I can't find the words as to where to begin. The only good parts of the movie are in the girls life that is pregnant, the people that are there for her and aren't judging her. But that is it.
Sunday Kari, Kib (husband), Zane (baby) and I went to the air show at Luke Air Force base. That was phenomenal! I arrived about an hour early to walk around and take pictures of the older planes. Once the "kids" arrived, we got some food, walked through the C-5 and watched the Thunderbirds. All in all it was a great day. After the airshow, I went to Church. This time, I think I even made a friend! Her name is Kelly and she is an event planner. How odd is that? Same name and occupation. We are supposed to meet up for coffee on Wednesday! I will let you know how that goes.
Well I am off to finish up here and bounce out for the evening. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
5 Thoughts for Tuesday
1. I have yet to tell you about photo law enforcement thingies here. Yea, they have vans and cameras placed on roads to take your picture if you are speeding. THEN, if you are one of the lucky chosen speeders, your ticket is mailed to you. This way, SURPRISE! When you mail comes, it's like Christmas morning...or not. (knock on wood, my picture has yet to be taken.) I was warned my first day of work, and now I am scared to go over 5 above the speed limit. Although, I believe that was the law enforcement's goal. Still not happy about it, what can I say, I inherited my mother's lead foot.
2. I am going to San Antonio with Tony, a co-worker, in May. As a joke, we (some other co-workers) and I are telling him we have to room together. Since I am not known for being a girlie girl at work, I thought it would be amusing on my end to have a little fun with this. Today I sent him an email of pajamas I thought we could get for our week slumber party - matching pajamas! He proceeded to tell me he slept naked, luckily I sleep blindfolded! Then, while in a meeting, I found it to be a good opportunity to pipe up about coordinating our outfits for the trip, and the others thought it was a great idea too! As for Tony, I don't think he is finding this as amusing as the rest of us are! Man, what we do for a laugh. And no, we are not sharing a room. No way!
3. Did you know there is a roller coaster in Vegas that is on the top floor of a hotel, and this roller coaster takes you over the side of the building...175 floors up. I think I would pee my pants, or cry - you choose. (sorry - you might not really have a choice in the matter.) This kid Matt is going to Vegas for me since I will be in San Antonio, with Tony, at another show. I told Matt he needs to ride this roller coaster and give me a full report on how scary it is, and yes, I asked him to leave out the part where he pees his pants out of fright. I do have to say, I am glad I am not going to Vegas...not really my cup of tea. Although the roller coaster riding would be fun. Matt I would have fun with, he is too young to drink and we would get along just fine in Vegas. Usually I end up with the boozers and gamblers. Not so fun. Although I am typically in bed at a decent time to be up for the show the next day.
4. Being on the other side of organizing trade shows is still stressful. Not nearly as much as my last job...but I am still on my toes. I like it.
5. Last but not least -- I CAN BUY LABATTS BLUE HERE!!!! Yea, you read that right, I bought a 12 pack for the Purdue game on Sunday. Now when I drive home, I know I will have a nice cold Blue waiting for me. :) Life just can't get any better! Hey- after all, it is the small things that make you smile...right?!
All right, enough babble for the day. I hope everyone is having a great week.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Arms up
I went to a Church service tonight that had a great message, and amazing music - even my brother would have liked it - that is how good it was. But I left and cried. I was sitting there by myself while everyone was talking to their friends. I am beginning to really dislike doing things by myself. Since I only lived in DC for three years, I didn't know a lot of people. But I had my friends. It takes time, and I know I will make some friends...but today, this weekend, I put my arms up. Please don't post that I will eventually meet people, I know I will meet people. Just tonight, leaving Church I was just tired of trying to be strong and I broke down. But I will get there and continue to be strong.
I read a post before Church about music. And you all know I can't live without music, so this post was fitting. It was about relating main points in your life to a particular song. My move to Arizona fits perfectly with "I'm Moving On" by Rascal Flatts. As tough as it might be, I am gaining who I am back, slowly. Soon I will be as happy as I was (friend wise) in Rochester. I will meet a Sean, a Willy, a Christine, a Kacey, a know. (Notice how I didn't say Kyle.) Once I have that, Arizona will be one great place. Just please don't let me make anymore friends that leave me at a bar. And no, the one friend I had moving out here hasn't called to apologize and no I have not contacted him. Although, half of me would like to write and tell him how much he hurt me by leaving me somewhere I had never been before. But hey, it can only make me stronger...right?
Alright, I am off to make some dinner. Pork wrapped in BACON!!! Since my co-worker calls me pudgy, I thought I would try to gain some weight so that would actually hold true! :) Have a wonderful week all.
Well the weekend is over, time for a new week. As for what this week will bring, we will have to wait and see. I hope everyone in Rochester had a great snowy weekend!
Another Sunday
Alright - wish me luck. You know I really don't like new things by myself.
This weekend - I MISS MY FRIENDS!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Overwhelming Wednesday
My crazy work day ended early, thank goodness! I had to be home by 5 to wait for COX. My cable wasn't working in my living room. As I was waiting, I decided to go through the stack of papers that was accumulating since I moved here and pay bills. That was a nice pile to get through, and I am glad it is done. Papers are filed, bills are payed, and I even got the checks ordered!! It was a very productive afternoon. Me = happy!!!
What is everyone doing for st. patty's day. I might actually cook corn beef! I am not up for the all day drinking thing. Norm (the guy that hired me) wants me to go out with him. I might go out, but not drink. Not up for the drama!! But it might be a chance to meet some people.
OHH! So today at work, Norm put a fax on my desk - Adventure 2000. It is for single people in phoenix looking to do things and meet people. Norm put it there as a joke. Laughing, i took it to my friend Eric at work - he freakin registered me for that crap. If I get stuck going to one of those events, that jerk and his girlfriend are going with me. They have 30 events a month, speed dating, bowling, hiking. It is a great idea and all, but that is not me...i don't do speed dating. And I am not looking for a relationship, I am looking to meet friends. was a funny part to the day. Eric will just get a good beating for submitting my info when he least expects it!
alright - i am off to cook some din din!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Tonight I will probably get my emissions tested so I can go to the DMV tomorrow morning and be done. I have been saying this for over a week now, but I need to do it and be done. Right? Just be done. What am I waiting for. Moving from Virginia to Maryland, I was able to put it off a bit. Maryland plates in Arizona tend to stick out a bit, I can't wait that long. And why would I want to drag it out anyway. Having an out of state license is irritating anyway. Bartenders don't like them. Grocery stores have troubles with them. Well, then there is the fact that I can't stand my picture on my MD license!! Time to get a new mug shot. haha! It is like those stupid class pictures when you were younger. It is something so many people see and the last thing you want to look like a complete idiot in, but you usually do any way. Either you are blinking, or look like you have just been arrested (not that I know what that is like), but still, no matter what they are bad. Although my VA license wasn't a bad shot...I am aiming for one like that. Now I just need to stick to my plan. Tomorrow - BE DONE. yea right!
Well I am off to eat lunch. Yesterday I made two recipes that will last me a while. Hawaiian pulled pork (Kalua Pig) and Cincinnati Chili (3 Ways). Two dishes that will last me a bit. I was able to freeze half of both. Today for lunch, Kalua Pig, dinner will be 3 ways!! It is the beginning of a beautiful week I would have to say.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Promises Made
I brought the fans home, hooked them up and watch Bart freak out, for he didn't know what a fan was. Never seen one before, felt one, heard one and let me tell you - he hated them. Bart was jumping backwards when it turned towards him, and he just went bug-eyed for a couple hours. Since he was in freak out mode, I decided it was a great time to clean my place. (He doesn't like the broom or vacuum cleaner either. Yep, I have a weenie of a cat.) I got two loads of laundry done, new sheets on my bed and the whole place (besides the spare bedroom) has been vacuumed, dusted, and the whole sha-bang. Oh wait, I have yet to empty the dishwasher. It was also a good night to do it, for it will be hotter here over the weekend, and I don't feel like cleaning when I can be out enjoying the weather!!
I can't believe I am living somewhere where it will be 90 degrees in the beginning of March. I have a co-worker in Boston this week, so I called him to tell him he is coming home to greatness. He can't get enough of the 90 degree heat. It made him smile. He is miserable in Boston, in all the cold. That and his wife and new baby are here...I think he misses that too!
Oh, one more thing before I let you go! Peter Piper Pizza. Yea, you read that right - Peter Piper Pizza! My new favorite pizza place. $3.99 all you can eat pizza buffet for lunch. HELLO!!! We went for lunch today. My co-worker, Bob, and I were in heaven there. We made sure we sat close (right in front of) the buffet so we knew when the new pizzas were coming out. I had 10 slices of pizza and a salad. :) Yes, very happy I was!!
That is all. I am off to pop in a movie and cool down before bed. I hope everyone has a good weekend. I am off to...I have no clue where, but somewhere!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Been a While
I have been in Arizona a full month now. It has gone fast, and I have to say, for my first month here, it isn't all that bad! Yes, I miss my family and my friends. But I will make friends and visit family. Getting used to the weather here has been interesting. Yes, it is basically beautiful all the time. And I am getting a tan in March - that is odd! Enjoyable, but odd. :)
Last week was my first show with this company, and I would have to say it went well. My bosses seemed to be happy with my work. My office yearly calendar mesmerizes me, all the shows that are listed for the year. I knew taking this job would limit the things I could do through out the year, such as weddings I could attend, when I could take vacations, and such. Now I am starting to really understand. My mom asked me to send her a list of where I will be and when. I thought this list would be short, but I was actually able to give her a show or two a month I would be going to. That is when it hit me, I am defiantly not in DC anymore. This isn't a vacation. It is a new job, with new responsibilities. hm.
I have been getting back in touch with some old Purdue friends since I have been here. That has been great. It has been fun to reminisce with old friends and see where they are now. Phil lives in Chicago, so I am hoping to spend some time with him at the end of June (if I get sent to a show there). Put him and I together - and we become two kids having a good time. Whether it is on a play ground or at a party, we can have fun. As for the other guy, not sure if I will ever see him again, IN is not a place I see me traveling too all that often. It is fun to talk to them though.
Alright, I best get to work. Soon it will be lunch!! As tomorrow - Friday - then I will be grinning from ear to ear!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
My Weekend
Anywho, we get to the bar, which is a Mexican type bar – half the seating is outdoor (much like most places here) but Jeff was cold and wanted to sit inside. (I was in a short sleeve shirt and I was perfectly warm, he was in a long sleeve and freezing – hehe.) So we sat inside at the bar, he ordered some food. We were talking for a while. Around 9:30 some guys walked in and sat near us, they seemed a bit cocky from what I saw, Jeff was boring me a bit, so I was observing what was going on around us. Anywho, Jeff started telling one of his stories, and the guy next to me over heard it, turned around and commented. I laughed! The guy basically said what I wanted to, but I was being nice since Jeff is my friend. About a half hour later, this guy, Billy, is still talking with us and Jeff excused himself to go to the men’s room. Billy and I continued to talk…Work, Religion, and Churches I could try…since I told him I just moved to the area. Well half hour had gone by, and Jeff hadn’t returned. I go to the bathroom looking for Jeff. Didn’t see him, so I figured he was on the dance floor – whatever, he found a girl to flirt with and is having fun. So I continue to talk to Billy. Around 11:30 I pull out my cell to call Jeff, since he still hadn’t shown his face, and I am ready to leave, I was tired. Come to find out he sent me a text saying ‘btw I left’ – I was pissed. He left me at a bar talking to a guy we both didn’t know. WHO DOES THAT? Fine…I had enough cash on me to take a taxi home – thank God! Billy asked where Jeff was, I said he left. Billy made the face for how I felt. So Billy said he would make sure I got home okay. No…but thanks. (I barely knew the guy.) Then I was also remembering taxi is not the way to go in the Phoenix area. This guy was talking to me about what Church I could try, so I finally agreed to let him drive me home. As for Jeff – never called to make sure I got home okay, never called to say sorry. That was one short lived Phoenix friendship reinstated. Now I just hope to see Billy again – neat guy! Even if it is as friends, I would love to makes some friends around here. I am just glad I wasn’t drinking that night – that could have been a bad situation.
Saturday I caught up on sleep. Sunday I went to Church, hit the outlet mall to look for a new watch, and then went hiking. So all in all, not a bad weekend just lost a friend. Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
good morning
Sounds like the east coast is still having a hard time. It took mom a long time to get her car out last night. As much as I love to mock the DC Metro Area, having a snow/sleet storm is not fun. And unless you have the right tools, you are in a bind. DC may not have a lot of plows and salt trucks, but it isn't worth the dollars to put into it. All in all, I hope everyone is keeping warm - in the Roc or DC!
This morning, I wake up in enough time to shower and get my ass to work. I stopped at dunkin doughnuts to get coffee and a bagel and now I am just sitting here. Yep...I need to get my act together and get some crap done!! Off I go.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My Morning Read!
I wake up this morning to hearing that the Reagan National and Dulles airports are closed today. This, to me, was not shocking, but hysterical. I get out of bed to get online and read the Washington Post. Sure enough I come across an article titled Wintry Mix Paralyzed D.C. Area. Now this I had to read and I encourage all of you to read this as well.
Now, given the fact that I am from upstate New York, where most people still go to work after an ice storm hits, and school isn’t canceled unless there are feet of snow accumulated the night before, or the roads are covered in black ice…D.C. to upstate New York is a place of pansies! Whether it be raining or snowing in D.C., all you will here is that it is treacherous outside, and that everyone should stay off the roads! As I am reading this well written article (yes, I am being facetious) I come across “…conditions remained treacherous in many neighborhoods, and motorists were advised to either stay home or drive extremely carefully. Cars needed to warm up for 10 minutes or so before ice could be scraped off the windshields.” And next to this wonderful verbiage is a picture of a man brushing off his windshield with a kitchen broom. No wonder it took the moron a10 minute warm up of his car, he doesn’t own the proper tool to scrape off his windshield! Sir, you can buy a snow brush at any grocery store, Target or Wal-Mart! Heck, I will even buy you one!
What is the good new you ask? Debbi Wilgoren and Howard Schneider went on to explain this to us: “The good news? Most of what fell was sleet, or tiny ice pellets, rather than the much-predicted, and dreaded, freezing rain.” Good thing! I know I was relieved when I read this. Oh, and the Federal Government even took a two hour delay this morning. However, when emailing my father, she was at work – shocking I know!
Anywho, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Valentine’s Day! And Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Red I can be
I couldn't sleep, and I had to turn the radio on just to keep me from hope to fall asleep. Slept for about an hour and woke back up. Now I was thinking I would over sleep. I wanted to get up early to finish my presentation that was due today...that was a joke. Anywho, I asked Brad to call me at 7 his time so I could work for a few hours. He didn't see my message until 8 something, so he called and woke me up...very nice of him. Then I got up and worked more on my presentation.
The presentation...didn't go as I had planned, although, I should have seen that coming. I did fine. All in all, i am glad I don't have that to think of anymore. Tonight I should sleep fine!
Well I am off to go home. Me tired, and I have been here since 8.
Have a good night all!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
First Full Week
I knew moving here that people are more casual. I didn't know what that fully meant regarding work hours. I knew they were more laid back, if you had a doc apt. it wouldn't come out of PTO. It is so much more than that. I believe I spent about, oh maybe, 30 hours at work this week. 30 hours! Left early to go to the bar, go home, go to the bank - what ever it was - I never worked a full day, nor did anyone there.
Thursday I was getting ready to leave, at 3, and the guys we talking about hiking and asked if I wanted to join them for a lunchtime hike on Friday. They were thinking about leaving work at 1:30 -2 and just go. "Sure, I'd love to!" was my answer. Get to work yesterday to find out one of the guys had a conf. call at 2 so we were leaving at 12 to hike so we all could be back. It worked better for me, I had stuff I was getting done. So 12 we all changed and headed off to Pinnacle Peak, it looked beaufitul. We began the upward hike at a very faced paced walk...I could do this. Hike up what a 1/2 mile at this speed...I can do this! NO! Then it went to a jog. This mile hike I thought we were on was a 4 mile round trip medium difficulty hike that we either ran or did a vary face paced walk. I can't tell you the pain I was/am feeling last night and today. My legs, shoulders, ass, name it probably hurts. This so called "hike" probably took us 35-40 minutes. So my goal is to get up to that speed before they try to kill me again. Today or tomorrow I am taking my camera (the sights I was able to look up for were amazing) and taking this 4 mile hike at a bit slower rate to become more familiar with it!
Alright, I hope all is well with everyone. I owe some calls...they are coming.
:) miss you all!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Made it!
The drive wasn't bad. I learned I never want to live in Arkansas or Oklahoma. Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are beautiful though. (Thank goodness Arizona was on that list!) The move went as smooth as possible, and I am very thankful that my friend Jeff was actually looking forward to helping me move. Below are some pictures, they aren't perfect, but you will get an idea. The place is a lot more put together now...I just haven't taken any pictures.


This is looking onto the living room area from the kitchen table. Sorry about the mess!! I bought a new floor light at IKEA that is now in the far corner and I love it.

Alright, I am off to wash the floors one more time, put clothes away, shower, then hit the supermarket - I need food!! I hope all is well for everyone, and I will be in touch soon.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Last Night in Maryland
Today was my last day living on the East Coast for a while. Tomorrow around 7am, Mom, Bart and I will start our drive to Arizona. I still remember leaving Rochester. Mom in one car, dad in the u-haul, and me in my little white car. That drive I could drown myself in the music with no one saying "you okay?" As much as I know that it is okay to cry when you are leaving people you love, the more I dislike that question. I am okay, it just sucks at the same time. Take for instance, I couldn't even go and say goodbye to Mike, my closest friend here. I don't think I would have been able to get a word out with out balling. I just hope he knows how much I love him and how much I will miss his friendship. Yes, we will still be friends, but we all know that will change in due time.
Anywho, it is time for me to embark on my new adventure. Now is when I start sining "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go" My car is packed and all I have to do is roll off in the morn. So I am signing off for a couple days - when I talk to you again, I will be a West Coast Girl!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Today or tomorrow I am moving Bart to my parent’s house. As for me, that is tomorrow night I will be there. Monday after work, I pack up the ABF truck with all my jazz and it will be suitcase living.
However, I am at the point where 90% of me understands I am making the right decision, but 10% of me is beginning to become that scared girl. One, I hate being a scared girl. Two, why can't I just cry and be done, and be back to not being scared. You know that cry outburst will now happen at the most un-needed time. All is well, what can you do really? I made my decision, I am following through with my decision, and I can't worry about money or bills or whatever it may be anymore. It is all coming together beautifully, and I have to follow that track.
Alright, off to finish packing.
Friday, January 19, 2007
fun to sleep deprived


This weekend, agian, was a fun one. Now I am back to my routine, continue my plans in moving and work. Last night I get home from work and begin packing, last night I hit the spare bedroom (which is basically empty) and my bedroom. After a couple hours, I saw my cousin Matt was online - so I took a two hour break and talked to him.
I haven't seen matt since he was 5 i believe. We were young, needless to say, and it is interesting to talk to this guy I hardly know and see what kind of person he has become. He is graduating from Purdue this semester in Computer Engineering and moving to Austin, TX in August to begin work. When I was a jr. or sr. in college Matt found me on AIM, and we began talking, oh maybe, three times a year. And gradually that has increased. Last night was the longest conversation I have had with him. He is the only one in his family that is willing to give my family the time of day, and that makes my father very happy. As well as it does me. It is nice to know some of my dad's side of the family. I just hope he is realizing the things his parents has said about us isn't true. We are not the "fuck ups of the family." Anywho...back to my night. So all in all, it was good to talk to matt.
Now that it is 10, I decided I should take a break from packing at watch some TV, hoping Scrubs was on. Nope, so I surfed until I fell asleep. I woke up at 5:30 this morning and began packing again. Most of the kitchen is now done. Not too bad! I am getting there. Tonight, finish the kitchen, and get most of my bedroom done. Today at work, I need to set you electric and internet in my new place, cancel stuff here, pay some glorious bills, and decide what to pack for the next week and a half since I will be suitcase living. It would be better if I didn't have to worry about work clothes, but what can you do.
I apologize if this is pretty random. The whole night was moving dreams. Three full baths when I thought I had two, my apt ended up being a house. The washer and dryer didn't look like anything I had ever seen before, and I don't remember having a bedroom. Oh, and Craig Wheeler was helping me unpack and my new place. (I think Craig was in the dream because I found some of his resume stuff in my files.) I gave up on sleep at 5...and got up a half hour later.
Alright, off to shower, I think I am going to get my hair cut seeing the guys in AZ think I need a girlie make over once I get there. GOD HELP ME!
As for any grammar and spelling errors - you should be used to it by now...but there may be more than with it! :)
Monday, January 15, 2007
lube weekend
My weekend was full on craziness. John telling us about his yearly physical and the prostate exam – ending in farting lube for the next couple hours. Jim told us about a great BJ he got and turned red when the waitress overheard the whole story. Dawn, well I think Dawn was the only sane one for the whole weekend. I don’t remember her doing anything really out of the ordinary. Not much of the weekend went without laughter.
Saturday night at the Bar, John found it to be the best time to sing at the top of his lungs while acting out the songs in a sports bar. I, being the weirdo I am , joined right in. Jim pretended to ignore us due to the attention John was attracting. During last call, the lights came on and the music went off, John however found this to be the optimum time to put on a song and dance number for the peeps still there. Being the chosen dance partner, and the sober one, that part was rather embarrassing…but fun!
The whole weekend was a drink fest. Wake up – shower, eat – start drinking. Now I am paying the price, but a price well taking. I haven’t had that much fun in a very long time. And I needed that to take my mind off work and moving. Today, back to reality…well I am getting there. I have been at work for over two hours, and have yet to do something productive. I am a master at pretending I am working hard when I am really not.
Alright off to play tetris or something! I hope everyone had a splenditous weekend as well.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Skip - Date #2
Things have been stressfull, and I am ready for weekend. My friends are coming from NC to see me!!! Three of them are coming, and I couldn't be happier. Help forget about work for a weekend and have fun in good ol' DC one last time. I would love to play a game of two on two football and kick Dawn's ass! Not sure she would appreciate that, but I sure would.
Work is work. My position was offered to a fellow co-worker that I recommended. After sitting with me for a couple days, she said it was too much responsibility and that she didn't want it. She didn't want to have to be my bosses right hand person, and do what I do everyday. It crushed me. I had faith in her, and thought she would be excited to get the responsibility of the job, and she just didn't care. Well, at least this job will go to someone who wants it since they are applying for it. Guess I can't ask for more than that right now. It can't go to someone who is going to slack, that's for sure.
Moving - things are going well. I am signing a lease today - and the place is mine on the 20th. On the 22nd, I am loading the ABF truck with all my crap that I am taking. Then on the 28th, I am pulling out. There are still some things I have left to do. Get doc records for Bart and I, figure out how to get Bart there, Health Insurance paper work, too much stuff now that I think about it.
Well I best get back to work.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Skip - Date #1
Wednesday I resigned from work, so that was the beginning of a long day right there. Things went as well as I could have planned, but it was tiring. This was my start to planning how I was going to get out of dinner. Never happened. I decided, since I knew where he lived, I would meet him at his place. Going straight from work, since if I went home I would have never went back out, I parked and walked up the stairs to his door. As I was knocking it hit me, I never checked to make sure I looked okay before leaving work. Then I thought - what do I care, one date, that's it. Door opened, and we decided to eat Italian (I turned down Chinese). We headed back down the stairs to where his car was parked. Turned out, I was not paying as much attention as I thought I was, yep - skipped a few steps, fell down the stairs and landed on his car! Yes! I am the moron that falls down half a flight of concrete stairs on my first date, and the thing that catches me from planting my face into the ground was his car. First reaction, his car, is his car okay...yep car is okay. Second reaction - I am in my favorite suit, are my suit pants okay...yep, no holes in the knees, the pants are okay. Third reaction - laugh at myself, and that I did plenty of. As for dinner, that went extremely well. On the drive back to his place I decided it would be good to let him know that I had been on a few dates with Rob, the guy that invited me to his New Years Eve party. He said good to know..bla. We pull into his street to find out that Rob's car was at a friends place which is two houses away from Skip's. And as we are getting out of the car Rob is walking out of the house to his car, we saw each other. This ending in a very awkward conversation between the three of us. Rob trying to show Skip how much he knows about me. Skip trying to be the good date and not care. AWKWARD. So all in all - interesting first date. Best part - turned down date #2. After all, I am Arizona bound!